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"Hyung, are you busy?" Jimin video called Seokjin and Namjoon. "No, and that's why we actually accepted your call, honey.." Seokjin then proudly showed off his new glamorous fresh painted nails, shiny along the contrast combination with his pale, brittle skin. The couple was laying on their duvet, wearing pajamas, looking like they just had a movie marathon.

"What's wrong? Why did you call us in the middle of the beautiful night? Something bothering you?" Namjoon asked. "Whoever dare to did that to you, I swear I'll-" A yell was followed by a fist showing up on the screen. Obviously Hobi. Jimin smiled at his caring hyungs. But yet his bright ggrin still could not disguise his worst condition.

"I wonder if my predictions-" Namjoon said, right when Seokjin put his finger on his lips, shutting his words, and Hoseok came, joining the video call. "Hajima, I already know what's happening." Seokjin smirked, looking deeply into the kitten's eyes.

"You guys are meant to be, ya know." Seokjin whispered. "W-wait a second, Suga? Suga hyung? Is it- is that true, Jimin-ssi? You have crush on him? You're dating now? I'm so- ah, I can't- argh! So fucking cute couple. I wish I can be like that too.." Namjoon seemed to be very excited just right after, his fists started to hit the bed.

Seokjin, on other side, glared on his boyfriend. "So, you're trying to say that we're not a cute couple, alright then! We should've break up since-" Namjoon kissed his lips to silent him. "We're not just cute but perfect, baby."

"Ew, guys, you can do it somewhere else, thank you very much." Hoseok sighed, while Seokjin just happily licked his lips and Jimin chuckling a bit softly from the other side. Hoseok was still left with jaws dropped. "So you guys are actually-" Jimin quickly cut off by a head shake.

"No, it's just were very close. You know and I think I screwed, that I fell in love with him." He scratched his neck. "Since?" Namjoon asked curiously. "Well, the first time we met though. I like our first impression and he's a really great person."

"Wow, good luck then." Namjoon nodded. "Congratulations, Jimin! You fell for the right person! Let me tell you, he's a very cute person and he would totally treat you right.." Hoseok snapped.

Jimin nodded. "Anyways, you know Suga's incredibly increasing career right? Ugh, thanks to his ex-girlfriend which lasted only for two days, which is still his loyal best friend, he's getting more popular day by day." Namjoon said. Seokjin looked at him with puzzled looks.

"Ahem, pretty true but I don't think that's the actual reason why he's more famous right now?" Hoseok surprised them all with his opinion. "It supposedly to be his real name which was spread out, you guys must know Suga is just his stage name."

"Oh, seriously? Then who's his real name?" Jimin asked while gulping his soju. "You don't know? I'm shock." Hoseok rolled his eyes. "Min Yoongi. His name is Min Yoongi." Jimin choked on his drink and spilled it everywhere.

This book is sadly coming to an end.. 😭 Anyways, thank you, guys, for all readers, we finally reached 300?! I can't believe my eyes, just wow.. Thanks for the support, pepols. Ily 💜💜💜💜💜

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