스물 다섯

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Yoongi could tell how mad was the other boy, by his pouting and crossed arms. His eyes were teary, he kept on hugging his teddy bear tightly. Yoongi chuckled, ruffled Jimin's new pink hair.

"I like my pink hair, but Seoljin noona keep on laughing when he sees it!" Jimin sobbed, covering his face. "You are not what people say you are, you are what you know and think. You are cute, Jimin, that's the fact and it won't change by just one person saying your hair's ugly, silly." Yoongi hugged the smaller, pecked his forehead.

"And I will always love you no matter how you look. You're still my cutest baby boy, Jiminie." Yoongi wiped blushing Jimin's tears. "Sweetheart." He whispered.

Jimin chuckled softly. "I love you too, Yoongi hyung. Thank you for comforting me earlier." Yoongi let go off the hug, "I will always do my promise, honey.."

The two lovebirds sat along, cuddling each other on the sofa. The TV was on, playing 'Peppa Pig' episodes, it's Jimin's favourite. "Hyung?" Jimin sipped on his orange juice, then put it away.

Yoongi fell asleep on the sofa, but Jimin didn't even dare to wake the grumpy elder up, 'cause he'd definitely swore and beat the shit out of him.

Instead, Jimin pulled a blanket, to cover Yoongi's body and give him warmth. Jimin slid a pillow under Yoongi's head. Jimin snickered softly on Yoongi's small snores and pecked his cheeks. "Good night, hyung~"

Jimin turned off the TV and the lights. He took his phone, setting baby's lullabies on loop for 30 minutes straight. He, then curled up, to fall asleep beside Yoongi.

The two were, then, already escaped to the perfect dream land. And there were they, the universe destined them to be together, the world said they were meant for each other.

Whenever they slept, all cuddled up, the magic worked, so they wouldn't have nightmares. Ask the night sky, it would never lie. 'Cause the dark blue sheet with one shining moon and dim, sparkly stars spread all over it, was the one watching the purest, true love between them.

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