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"Hey, stop it!" Seokjin shouted to Jimin's teaser, Jimin laughed at his English accent. "Do you even know how to spell it?" Jimin said, still laughing. "S T O P!" Seokjin shouted. "I T!" Jungkook followed the eldest spelling. Jimin laughed at both guys' silliness.

Yeah, yeah, it's been a month and a week since the first day of school. Since Jimin first met Suga. Suga was overall a cold but kind-hearted person. Suga was pretty close to Jimin and his family, since they were easy to get along each other.

While Taehyung and Jungkook were out of the country, and Hoseok was sick. Suga was the one who always drove Jimin, anywhere, since Namjoon and Seokjin were dating and could not hang around much with their hoobaes.

Suga was a great sunbaenim, but he's more than just that in Jimin's eyes. But since he knew Suga had girlfriend(s) already, Jimin didn't even dare to have feelings at him. Jimin told his mom that Suga was his close friend, just best friends, not anything more. But his mom insisted that they had something special between.

"Ah, whatever, Eomma." Jimin sighed. "Maybe not now, but let's see what future holds for you, Jiminie." She kissed her son's cheek, then left and closed Jimin's bedroom door.

"Spill the tea, dongsaeng." Seokjin said suddenly, earning serious look from Jimin. "What?" Jimin furrowed his eyebrows, looking confused. Jungkook turned serious too, "Hyung, I heard that you do have a relationship with Suga hyung?" Jimin laughed.

"No, silly." Jimin said back with his mochi smile. "We're just friends. Anyways, he has girlfriends already and me? We're like brothers already, since he really got along with my mom. So?" Seokjin rolled his eyes.

Ding dong. "Ugh, I think that's Taehyung and Namjoon picking up you guys." Jimin rushed to open his front door. "Sup."

"Yeah, yeah." Jimin leaned on his door frame. "Jin hyung! Kookie! Your boyfriends here!" He shouted. Seokjin and Jungkook ran down the stairs and hugged their boyfriends. "Let's go home, bunny." Taehyung pulled Jungkook's small hand romantically.

"Ew. Gross." Jimin whispered. "Thank you for keeping my boyfriend in a great shape. Bye, Jimin." Namjoon grabbed Seokjin's hand pulled him out too. Jimin put on his sandals and went out.

"Yah! What the fuck? Why the fuck are you here too?" Jimin shouted at Suga, who appeared out of nowhere then stood in front of his sport car like a model. "We worked together, bitch."

"Ooh, where's the horse?" Namjoon spontaneously laughed. "Hobi is with his new girlfriend. Probably hooking up in some fancy hotel or what." Taehyung answered.

"Bye, Jimin!" Taehyung, Jungkook, Namjoon and Seokjin waved and left Suga and Jimin alone. "Why are you still here?" Jimin asked the elder.

"I need to talk with you." He grabbed the younger's small hand. "Yah! Suga hyung!" Jimin tried to loosen the grip on his hand, but instead it got tightened. "Good luck with that kitten, Suga!" His mom, who just appeared like some magic, winked, shouted, waved and closed the front door. "I hate you, Eomma." Jimin mumbled as he followed Suga to his car.

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