Chapter 4

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“Cyan your friends are hear to see you,” Miss McColin yelled from downstairs. I herd footsteps pounding up the stairs before me bedroom door was throw open causing it to smash into the wall. God I hope that didn’t leave a dent.

“HIYAS!” Emily yelled before jumping on me. I fell backwards onto me bed where I’d been sitting for what must have been a hour at least. The smell of a nearly ready dinner was coming up into my room from the kitchen and honestly I couldn’t wait to eat something decant after the hell they served you in hospital.

“You ok then?” James asked me sounding rather awkward.

I nodded pushing Emily off me so that I could sit up. “I’m fine.” I said simply really not in the mood for anything right now.

“We need to cheer you up, that’s what we need to do,” Emily said in her normal hyper way. She was probably grinning madly right now. “How about a movie. I have a two for one voucher.” She said.

“Emily,” James said in a warning voice trying to get her to stop but she wasn’t listening at all.

“Or we could go to the beach, watch the sunset and all that. Or maybe a caravel, I think there’s one in a few days. Or a fun fair, yere lets go to the funfair.” She just wouldn’t stop. She was trying to cheer me up, I knew that, but it still hurt.

Truth is I wanted to go see a movie but I couldn’t see. I wanted to go to the beach but one of them would have to always stay with me and it was the same for the fun fair and caravel. I needed someone there, I always would. I could barely find my way around my own house how the hell was I supposed to walk to school, or around school for that matter.

“Cyan,” my brain was going one hundred miles an hour as thoughts flooded my mind. “Cyan,” and when I ate I couldn’t see the food on my plate I had to feel around for it. God help me the next time I eat spaghetti. “Cyan,” and the shopping and cleaning. God I lived on my own most of the time how was I supposed to do everything when I couldn’t see. Even the washing up, I could easily cut my hand on a sharp knife or when cooking, god I’d never be able to cook by myself again. “Cyan!”

“What!” I yelled jumping out of my skin at James’s voice.

“Don’t be such a miz-sod and talk to us,” Emily said sounding pissed.

“Sorry,” I muttered.

“Sorry?” ow god, now she sounded fuming. “I busted my ass convincing my parents to lend me the car so that I could come over hear and not only don’t you want to do anything fun but you start ignoring me. That’s it, I’m outa here.” With that I felt her get up off the bed and head for the door. I herd her footstep’s echo down the hallways and stairs before the front door slammed shut and a car outside started up and drove off. Yere, she’s a real great friend.

I turned my head back to the doorway as James let out a loud sigh, “She’ll get over it, just give her a little time.”

I nodded before speaking, “What about you? Your not your normal peppy self.” And he wasn’t. Normally he was just like Emily, jumping everywhere and gushing over cute things (he wasn’t gay but definitely a bit girly. Pulse give him a teddy bear and he’ll love you forever). Today though he just seemed so down, so depressed.

“yere, well school hasn’t been great recently.” I could tell he was gritting his teeth, trying to be honest but not say to much. “Those guys actually boasted about running you down, like they were proud of it. They went around saying guess who killed the blue haired freak then when they found out you were actually ok all hell broke loose.”

I just sat there stunned, I know the doctor had said they had been fine but…they…how could they boast about it? How could they be pleased that they’d hit me with their car? “What,” I began to ask but my voice began to shake, “What happened?”

For a moment James didn’t say anything, I could sense his reluctance and knew he wouldn’t lie to me but that didn’t mean he just couldn’t tell me. “Kyle, they were making fun of you and Kyle yelled at them and one of them tried to sucker punch him. It turned into a big fight between Mitch, you know Mitch Hiller, football star and all that, and Kyle. Mitch was the one driving the car even though Kyle apparently told him not to be so stupid and now all this with you.” I could just tell he was shaking his head in despair. “I think Kyle feel’s guilty for what happened, it was his party after all but still…”

I stopped him before he could go on. “I don’t want to know. It wasn’t his fault, it wasn’t anyone’s fault it just happened.” I said.

“But…” James started before I cut him off again.

“I’m not going to spend my life hating him, or anyone for that matter because of this. I’m not going to play the blame game and if those bastards want to boast about making me blind then at least I know they’ll be burning in hell when they die,” I sighed half out of exhaustion half out of sadness for my own situation. “I don’t want to go around feeling sorry for myself so I’m just going to let it go. It happened, stuff happens, there’s nothing I can do to change it now so there’s no point in wishing it was any other way.”

In truth I only believed half of what was coming out of my mouth, in truth I had no idea what I was going to do now or ever but I wouldn’t hate them. I wouldn’t let those kind of feelings fester in my until that was all I felt. I was better than that. I had to be. Life’s what you make it after all.


“How were your friends,” Miss McColin asked me as she set my dinner down on the table. I could tell by the smell it was macaroni cheese and couldn’t wait to start eating it.

Carefully feeling around on the table I found my knife and fork. Picking them up carefully I began to feel around my plate for the food. “They were fine. I think Emily’s a bit annoyed with me though.” Finding it on my plate I scoped some up with my fork and brought it carefully to my mouth.

“I thought she left in a bit of a huff,” Miss McColin said through  a mouth full of food. “Why though, you’ve been in hospital so its not like you’ve done anything to upset her.”

“It’s just Emily. She want to go out and do all this fun stuff. Like go to the beach swimming or apparently there’s a carnival on soon or something like that. But if I went then I need someone there all the time so I’d know where I was and where I was going.” I sighed slightly because it annoyed me to.

“Well if you really need someone I wouldn’t mind coming along and being your guide dog for a day.” I could hear the smile in her voice and knew she was joking.

“No offence Miss McColin,” I said playing along, a half smile on my face, “But when I go out with my friends it’s teenager time. You know?”

She laughed at that, “Trust me dear I do. I get enough lectures about it from Kyle. You know he got in a fight the other day, stupid boy nearly got himself excluded.”

I frowned a little, wasn’t this what James had been telling me about. “As in a really fight?” I asked. “What over?”

She probably shrugged but for obvious reason’s I didn’t see it. “Don’t know what it was about, neither him or the other boy would say a word. But he gave that other boy a black eye you know and to top it off he’s got a bruise on his collar bone that look’s like some deformed hickey.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at her mock horror as she tried to lighten the mood and joke about the situation.

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