Chapter 14

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“All packed and ready?” Kyle asked me as he finished zipping up his own bag.

“More of less I guess, have a look, is everything there?” I asked fiddling with my hands.

“Yep, looks good.” He replied before taking my hands and holding them still. “Don’t worry so much. We’ll be fine.”

“It feel’s right,” I said before blushing as I realised how it sounded. “To leave I mean.”

“I know, it’s the same for me. This is just right. It’s not just that I want it, it’s that I need it.” He said and I could hear the smile in his voice as he got up onto his bed. “I just need to be free for a while, and running away. It’s a temporary solution but it’ll do. I’ll come back, maybe. And if I don’t then that’s just life isn’t it.” I herd the bounce as he landed on the bed.

“One last day at school?” I asked.

“Last day, last good buys. It sounds so sad,” He murmured.

“But it isn’t. it’s just life.” I told him feeling around for my bag before he passed it to me.

“Life is for living, so what’s the point if we don’t live a little.” He said puling me out of the door. I could feel the excitement radiating off him. This was gona be great, the best. Just him, me and Scarlet. All together, on our own, with nothing standing in our way, nothing to hold us back or stop us.


“There’s something off with you today,” James said to me as we waited for Emily to get out of class last thing. I merely shrugged. “No point hiding it Cyan, I know these things.”

“I know you do witch is exactly why I’m not saying.” I told him.

“Ow good James…” Emily stopped mid sentence, probably because she suddenly realised I was there. Seriously, was I that unnoticeable, you know with my blue hair and all? “I’ll see you later.” She said bluntly.

“Wait, Em, please.” I asked as I listened to her heals clicking away.

“So she still wont talk to you? Dam, the bitch can hold a grudge.” James sounded rather amused.

“I just don’t get it, what did I ever do. We were great friends until all this.” I gestured to my face.

“To hell if I know but hey your probably better off without her,” He paused a second and I could just picture him chewing his bottom lip. “Actually on second thoughts I think we both would be. Providing your not going off anywhere?”

The question hung in the air until the awkwardness built up so much I gave in. “Sorry.”

“Trip already planed?” he sighed.

“Kinda. But no telling.” I said moving my head as if to glance around me.

“Today’s good buy isn’t it?” He asked sadly.

“Maybe. I’m not sure.” I shrugged.

“Then we’ll treat it like it is so that we cant go wrong.” The smile was in his voice, it was fake of course but still there. “I couldn’t ask for a better best mate.”

“And I couldn’t ask for a better camp friend.” I said stringing him up.

“I’m not gay.” He said simply.

“Never said you were. I just said your camp. There’s a difference you know.” And with that I gave him a quick hug. “See you later.” I whispered in his ear before walking off to find my own way out of school.

This could be the last time for me, leaving school. Part of me didn’t think I’d be coming back. We were going, tomorrow. I didn’t want to come back, what was there for me anyway? James was good but Emily didn’t even want to speak to me anymore. My parents hadn’t even spoken to me directly since I’d gone blind but I didn’t care, we’d never been that close and they were already gone. I couldn’t leave them behind because they’d already left me. It was time to leave.

Of course there were some that just had to get in my way at the last minuet.

Tyler, Ryan and Mitch cornered me. Of course this was because I’d tried to come back to school, not my best move I will admit but hey, can you blame me?

“Fucker fag thinks he can be normal,” Mitch said kneeing me in the groin to put it politely.

“I know, it’s a joke!” Tyler laughed. “We gona end him now?”

“Yere, common Mitch, I brought broken glass with me and everything,” Ryan sounded so exited, it made me sick. “Let’s just kill the thing, it’s so bloody ugly it make’s me sick.”

Tyler wasn’t going to be coming to save my ass anytime soon. He’d had a free last period so had gone off to get ready to leave. So now was my moment to fight. I had to, I had promised Scarlet we’d all go and it just wouldn’t be good if they had to leave without me. “At least I can get plastic surgery to fix my ugliness, you however will be stupid for eternity.” I moved out of the way of the next punch but tripped over someone’s leg.

“God, it talks!” Mitch mockingly sneered.

“Sorry was I supposed to be offended?” I asked “the only thing that offends me is your face, so I guess that’s a good thing that I cant see it anymore.”

“You want to die?” Tyler said as if smirking.

“Yere why not, it’d be nicer than putting up with you beetle-headed bullocks,” at that point a boot connected with my face. But I was one step ahead. Grabbing the foot I yanked it down bringing the person down with it. Of course my good luck meant that they grabbed onto someone else bringing two people down for one good shot. “You know life would be so much easier if I was gone, so now I’m going to go and I hope to god I never see or here you again.” I honestly think I must have stunned them into silence as I walked out the room without so much as a verbal objection. They probably though that by gone I meant suicide. It would be easier for them if I finished myself off after all so why stop me? It just takes the blood off there hands and puts it into my own. But I wasn’t going, not a chance in heaven or hell was I going six feet under now.


“This is gona fail,” Kyle said touching my face where he’d tried to cover up my huge bruise with makeup.

“What? Like you dad’s condom. That’s great and all but trust me I already know so lets just get this over and done with.” I told him making a move to get out.

“No you stay. I’ll go get her, she may not be blind but she’s still ill so I’d rather not have to take care of both of you. Especially as we both know that by the end of the hour one of us is gona end up dead in a ditch.” He sighed getting out the car.

“Fine, I’ll just wait here then. You know all by myself and all.” I shook my head knowing he was out of earshot as I waited for them to get back. Wasn’t life just grand?

I was board out of my mind when suddenly there was the sound of two slamming doors and screeching tyres as we rushed out of the parking lot. “Either your in a bloody rush of I’ve just been kidnapped.”

“Right now kidnapped might be the better option,” Scarlet’s voice said from the back seats. “Anyway nice to see you blue.”

“You to my darling red.” She leaned forward giving me a peck on the cheek. “Should I ask why we’re going twice the speed limit?”

“No,” she replied her voice full of laughter.

“Then I wont. Though I presume that your actually not meant to be leaving hospital so me and Ki are going to end up getting done for kidnapping.” I sighed before turning my head towards Kyle. “So where we heading?”

“Just wait, I’ve got this whole trip planed. Starting with one place you’ll love.” He said. And that was it. We were off, on our big life changing adventure.

I just didn’t know how life changing it would be.

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