I don't think so

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Honnouji academy class K

You where sitting behind ryuko in class listening to Aikuro teach about Hitler's tyranny over germany. Of course you already knew about this. The CIA tought you basically everything. Class ended and Ryuko suddenly got up and followed Aikuro.

Y/N: Strange.

You start to think a little until Mako grabbed you by the arm and started to drag you.

Mako: Come on (Y/N) we have to catch up to Ryuko.

Y/N: W-Wait stop.

She drags you across the halls and jumps at the sight of Ryuko

Mako: Oh Ryuko!

Y/N: Help me!

You and Mako fly at Ryuko. She catches you both and sets you on the ground and then goes back to looking around. You come back to your senses.

Y/N: Mako! Dont ever do that again.

Mako: Sorry (Y/N).

She turns around and gets Ryuko's attention.

Mako: Anyway Ryuko I was wondering-

As they where talking you where checking if you still had everything.
You where ignoring their conversation while you were doing so. You still had incursio and your house key was still in your pocket.

Y/N: (Nothing seems to be out of place)

You look back at Mako and Ryuko and see Ryuko extremely blushing. You walk over to them with a confused face.

Y/N: What are you two talking about.

Ryuko: No-Nothing.

Y/N: oooookkkk?

You look at Mako's back and see a paper attached to it. You grab it and read it.

Ryuko: What's that?

Y/N: uuuuuhhhh.

Ryuko grabs the paper from you and reads it out loud in a pissed off tone.

Ryuko: Meet me after school at my place Aikuro mikisugi.

She crumbles up the paper.

Ryuko: Grrrrr That dirtbag.

Y/N: Don't worry Ryuko I won't tell anyone.

Ryuko: Tell anyone what.

Y/N: That you're dating our teacher.

Ryuko blushes.

Ryuko: No It's not like that!

Y/N: But it said-

Ryuko: Look it's nothing. Now I have to go take care of some buisness.

Ryuko walls off. You whisper to Mako.

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