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Y/N: Were am I? It's so...dark.

You try to move but something was crushing you so hard that you couldn't.

Y/N: is there something on top of me?

You try to use your arm but it felt like it was impossible to move it even an inch.

Y/N: Damn I forgot that bitch Nui impaled my arm with her metal poles. I got to get it out.

You use all the strength you had to push your arm up. It moved slowly and painfully.

Y/N: Ow,Ow, OW!

Eventually you could see a light. You push harder.

Y/N: Almost.

You push the heavy object off of you and your harm is freed. You see everything around you.

Y/N: Holy Crap.

You see everything destroyed and smashed to pieces. You could barely recognize the Academy you once went to.

Y/N: This isn't good.

You try to get up but you feel a sharp pain in your back.

Y/N: Ow!

You look behind you and notice more rocks and metal poles on you.

Y/N: Are you kidding me!

You look down at your chest and see your other arm going into it. You pull it out and see your arm and heart covered in Incursio's molten armor.

Y/N: Better get this off.

The molten armor started retreat from your heart and form around the rest of your exposed body. You put your heart back into your chest.

Y/N: Time to get up and see where everyone is.

You use both of your arms, take a deep breath and try to pick yourself up.

Y/N: (yells angrily) These stupid damn rocks! Get off of me!

The rocks on your back fall off and the four polls in your back come off as well. You turn your back and take the three polls in your legs out. You finally get up.

Y/N: Nui, that damn bitch is gonna pay.

Ragyo: Magnificent.

You turn your head and see Ragyo starring at your chest. You look down and see that your heart was still dangling.

Ragyo: Not only are you an imperial arms user but you have a heart infused with life fibers.

Y/N: (Damn, I was to loud)

Ragyo: You truly are interesting.

Y/N: You know nothing about me, but you pretending like you do is pissing me off.

Ragyo: My, My you've got a worser tone than Satsuki, but maybe you'll be more useful then her.

Ragyo takes out a needle and thread.

Ragyo: Thankfully I have enough to mind stitch you this time.

Y/N: Like hell you will!

You sprint toward Ragyo but you see something in the corner of your eye coming to you.

Nui: Hi!

You avoid Nui's attack.

Nui: Aw man I missed!

Y/N: You to Huh? Good, I want to take you down even more!

Nui: Oh wow, I sure feel special!

Nui goes in for an attack. You easily dodge all of her strikes and kick her away.

kill la kill x Incursio male readerWhere stories live. Discover now