So what's your plan?

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Ragyo: Almost there. Once I arrive at Honnouji Academy there will be no stopping me from turning this planet into life fibers.

Ragyo sees two flying figures in the corner of her eye causing her to smile.

Ragyo: It seems that my two loving daughters are here.

Satsuki: Ryuko the primordial life fiber has a core we need to destroy. If we do Ragyo's plans will be foiled.

Ryuko: Got it.

Ryuko and Satsuki get closer and Ryuko sees Ragyo's smiling face.

Ryuko: Ragyo! I'm gonna beat you down hard!

Ragyo: Ryuko, that is no way to talk to your mother.

Ragyo pulls out two needle like weapons.

Satsuki: Ryuko, I'll go left you go right.

Ryuko: On it.

The two split apart. They then both attack from both sides of Ragyo.

Ragyo: Silly girls.

Ragyo blocks both of their attacks with her weapon.

Satsuki: Th-That's-

Ragyo: That's right. These blades are made of hardened life fibers just like your Bakuzan. All beginnings and ends can be found here at the primordial life fiber.

Ryuko and Satsuki keep attacking.

Ragyo Starts to chuckle at her daughters weak attempts

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Ragyo Starts to chuckle at her daughters weak attempts. Satsuki stops attacking and transforms out of senpu and sets foot on the primordial life fiber. Ragyo notices and immediately pushes Ryuko away and kicks Satsuki off.

Ragyo: Young lady your shoes are not allowed on this surface.

Ragyo starts to levitate.

Ragyo: If only you you two would give yourselves over to life fibers you would be able to do this.

Ragyo: If only you you two would give yourselves over to life fibers you would be able to do this

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Satsuki: After her!

Ryuko: Already on it.

Gamagoori: M-Mankanshoku?

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