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You and Ryuko clash swords. You push her away and swing at her three times. The first two she dodges but the third she parries and goes for the opening.

Ryuko: Take this!

You notice her going for the punch but she was going way to slow. You easily dodge and punch her straight in the gut, sending her back a couple feet.

Y/N: Did you think it would be that easy?

Ryuko: *grunts* I'll show you easy.

Ryuko charges again and swings to the right. You block it but then she spin around and goes for another right swing. You duck under the blade and raise yours.

Senketsu: Ryuko.

Ryuko: I know!

Ryuko jumps away right before you bring your blade down. She lands and catches her breath.
A tiny piece of her red highlighted hair falls.

Ryuko: Damn it.

You charge at Ryuko and raise your sword. She raises hers and you both clash at each other.

Y/N: You have an ultimate decision Ryuko. Do you want to win or loose?

Ryuko: I....

Y/N: Either way you're gonna get an answer. Even if I have to decide for you.

You push Ryuko away with your blade and you swing numerous times at her. She blocks each attack in frustration.

Senketsu: Ryuko your heart is beating unusually.You're being hesitant.

Ryuko: Tell me something I don't know!

You swing again and this time she swings back. The clash sends you both sliding back.

Senketsu: Ryuko I know (Y/N) is your friend but snap out of it. Believe it or not he's trying to hold back but Satsuki can read his movements like a kindergarten book and if she does see him hold back she'll execute his uncle. If you truly want to help (Y/N)  you have to beat him here and now.

Ryuko clenches her fist.

Ryuko: Okay... I'll give it my best.

You and Ryuko look into each other eyes. You are both filled with determination.

Ryuko: Get ready senketsu.

Senketsu: Right.

You both run in the same direction. Both of you close in on each other and clash swords and that sends you both back but you keep running . You both close in and clash two more times until Ryuko goes in front of you and lunges forward and swings. You block but Ryuko ends up behind you. She swings at you again but you turn around and block. Ryuko pushes you back with her blade and attempts to swing twice but you dodge the first one and leap back on the second. Ryuko runs toward you but you jump in the air and attempt to slash at her. She slides right under you. You land and flip your sword around and jap it backwards. Before the sword could reach Ryuko she turns around and barely blocks it. Your blades grinds and create sparks against each other. Ryuko then pushes your sword back but you quickly turn around and swing. she jumps back in the air and you quickly catch on. You jump right to her and raise your blade. She raises her blade to block but you bring yours down with such great force that she completely losses her grip and loses her blade. You then spin and kick her straight in the back and to the ground. You land on your feet and charge at Ryuko. Ryuko gets up but then quickly ducks under your sword. You turn around and swing to the right and Ryuko dodges to the left. You the swing to the left and Ryuko dodges to the right. then you swing to the right again but Ryuko curves back her stomach and barley dodges. You raise your sword over your head and bring it down but Ryuko catches it with the two of her hands. The force almost made her lose her balance.

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