You bet

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Class K

You sit in your seat learning about history. You were still on edge from the fight you had with Sanageyama to where you even whispered "Men, do and kote during class. But you soon grew happy realizing that you had a fridge full of groceries waiting for you at home. Ryuko would still give you the usual look of suspicion
But you didn't care and mako was still asleep the entire class. When class ended you, Mako and Ryuko got together and walked to the exit of the school.

Mako: Wah! I don't learn anything in that class!

Y/N: that's because you're always sleeping Mako.

Mako steps in front of you.

Mako: (Y/N)! What did you make on your last test.

She looks at you with tearful eyes.

Y/N: ummm a one hundred.

Mako hugs you

Mako: Would you please come over for dinner and help me study please please please.

Y/N: well I don't think Ryuko would-

Ryuko: I'm fine with it.

Mako: yeah she totally is. In fact she failed her last test too.

Ryuko: Mako!

Y/N: *chuckles* okay okay I'll come.

Mako let's go of you and jumps for joy.

Mako: huraaay!!!

Y/N: just don't expect me to stay to long.

monkanshoku estate

You, Mako and Ryuko walk inside and your greeted with a big slobbery dog trying to lick your face. You grab it by the neck before it could.

Y/N: umm what is this thing

Mako: that's guts! We call him that because he never stops eating.

Y/N: Interesting.

You throw guts aside.

And keep walking inside

Mako: this is our kitchen. And that is my mom

You see a women cleaning dishes. She turns around with a smiling face.

Sukuyo: Hello I'm Mako's mom!

Y/N: hello.

Sukuyo whispers to mako.

Sukuyo: Hey mako did Ryuko finally get a boyfriend.

Ryuko: Hey! I can hear you!

Sukuyo: oh I'm sorry.

A kid walks in to the kitchen

Mataro: Hey mom we're out of-

Mataro sees you and you both look and point

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