This will be easy

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???: The subject has been successfully implanted with the serum and blood.

????: So what is the problem?

???: We don't know how long it will work. It may last for a week, month, year, hell it may last forever. we'll have to wait and see.

????: I hope you know what you're doing doctor.

???: Me to.

One-star district, Your house

You sit on your couch and wait for the phone call so you can tell them the news.

Y/N: Hopefully she took my advice.

The phone rings, you slowly grab it and answer it.

Y/N: Hello.

CIA Opretive: Agent (L/N)?

Y/N: Yes.

CIA Operative: did you get the kamui?

Y/N: No....I didn't.

CIA Operative: Good.

Y/N: What?

CIA Operative: Where gonna have make you stay there for a bit longer. Is that fine with you?

Y/N: Yeah sure but what happend

CIA Operative: That's classified.

Y/N: Really?

CIA Operative: Just remember that when we ask you to complete a task you must do it

Y/N: Understood, any news from the-.

The phone hangs up and your left with relief but more questions that you want answers to.

Sewing club research lab

Sanageyama: I wonder what lady Satsuki is going to do with so many life fibers.

Shiro: Mass production of goku uniforms. What else could they be for?

Sanageyama: But every time we've proposed increasing of two-star uniforms to bolster our rank, she was the one who shot it down.

Shiro: Because prioritizing the quantity of club presidents has a real risk of lowering the overall quality. Lady Satsuki was worried about that.

Inumuta: But even so she decided that we needed to increase the number of club presidents. I geuss this means Matoi and (L/N) set things into motion in a big way.

Sanageyama: Yeah, even anti-uniform guerilla showed up to get Matoi and (L/N).

Shiro: And the clincher is that Lady Satsuki has donned a kamui herself.

Inumuta: two people who can wear kamui's and survive. Two people that can harness that type of power.

Sanageyama: then you got (L/N). Who knows what type of power he's hiding.

Inumuta: I still can't believe this is all happening at once.

Sanageyama: Whoa! Never thought I'd hear you say that. Aren't you the head of the information comitee.

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