I'm free

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You stand there uncertain of what will happen next. You notice that Esdeath's left arm was black.

Y/N: What's with her arm?

Ragyo: When we found her in that ice cocoon one of her arms were missing so we gave her and upgrade. That arm is fully made of life fibers.

Y/N: Ice cocoon? You mean she wasn't finished off?

Ragyo: Clearly not, when we found her she was deep underground. I guess she was waiting for the perfect time to come out.

Y/N: Damn it.

Esdeath begins to walk towards you.

Y/N: (Here goes nothing. I was hoping not to put on Incursio for a while but I guess if I don't I might as well let her kill me)

You lift your sword up and you transform into your armor and begin to walk to Esdeath.

Y/N: (From what I've read about her, her imperial arms is ice based.)

You look at her sword

You start to take out your spear

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You start to take out your spear.

Y/N:( No only that she's extremely skilled in combat)

You and Esdeath get closer and closer.

Y/N: (Now!)

You throw your spear and Esdeath quickly dodges. You run up to her and try to punch her as fast as you can but she  dodges and thrust her sword towards your throat.

Y/N: (To slow!)

You grab the blade inches from it piercing. Esdeath uses her free hand and try's to punch you. You grab her fist.

Y/N: Ha!

You fist starts to feel cold, you look and see that Esdeath was freezing it.

Y/N: Uh oh.

Esdeath pulls her sword from your other hand and starts to slash away. You barely dodges each attack and try to get away but she started to freeze more of your arm.

Y/N: (This off to a bad start!)

Esdeath lifts up her sword but instead of aiming for your body she aims for your arm. You stop her with your free hand. Esdeath then quickly pulls her sword again but instead pulling it out all the way she tilts it pierces both your hand and and frozen arm.

Y/N: ( This is bad!)

Esdeath grabs the end of her blade and kicks you away.

Y/N: (She's good, but what did I expect.)

You then feel something cold and painful. You then notice that your frozen arm was vertically cut in half.

Y/N: (MY ARM!!!!)

You kneel down in pain.

Nui and Ragyo watched from afar.

Nui: Wow that looks painful.

kill la kill x Incursio male readerWhere stories live. Discover now