Geuss I'm lucky

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Satsuki and her team were gathered together having a meeting.

Gamagoori: Lady Satsuki what is are next step to stop lady Ragyo?

Satsuki: at this very moment my mother is transporting the primordial life fiber to the Academy. There she can link it to the academy's transmitter and with the help of her kamui she can allow herself to turn the earth into clothing.

Sanageyama: Sh-She's making a kamui?

Satsuki: Yes, so it's are priority to make it to the Academy as fast as we can. Everyone work with these nudist as best as possible. They are our only way to make it back.

All: Ma'am.

Ryuko: Hey.

Satsuki and her team look to see Ryuko in Senketsu transformed and Mako.

Satsuki: What is it Matoi?

Ryuko: You're planning on helping out the nudist beach guys now?

Satsuki: That is correct.

Ryuko: Why now!? Why not then when they were trying to fight the same enemy as you!?

Satsuki: They would only get in the way of my plan.

Ryuko: Yeah and look we're that plan got you. Now they're the ones helping you after you nearly destroyed there entire organization. The only good thing you've done for us so far is help me when (Y/N) was out of control.

Satsuki:...What do you want?

Ryuko: let me punch you in the face.

Elite four: What?!

Satsuki: You want to punch me in the face?

Ryuko: Yeah, Just a little payback for all the shit you've given us, plus it'll show me if you really can handle fighting with me.

Senketsu: Ryuko don't a punch from you like this will kill her.

Ryuko: You're forgetting something, she's the great lady Satsuki, a punch from me should barley graze her.

Gamagoori: You can't be serious Matoi! You-

Satsuki: She's right.

Gamagoori: L-Lady Satsuki?

Satsuki: If I cant handle a punch from her then I have no chance in stopping my mother and her life fibers.

Jakuzure: B-But.

Satsuki: None of you are to interfere.

You show up wondering what's going on.

Y/N: Hey guys,What's up?

Ryuko: I'm about to give little miss Satsuki a taste of her own medicine.

Y/N: What?

Satsuki: She's planning on punching me in the face.

Y/N: Why?

Ryuko: What do you mean why? Don't you remember all of the stuff she's put us through?

Y/N: Yeah, but I figured we were just gonna forget about all that stuff and work against a common enemy.

Ryuko: Still doesn't mean I don't want to teach her a lesson for things she's done.

Y/N: But-

Ryuko: Just shut up for a sec and let me handle this.

Ryuko cracks her knuckles and walks towards Satsuki.

Ryuko: You ready?

Satsuki: Just do it.

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