Come to a head

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Honnouji Academy

You, Ryuko, Mako, and everyone one else in the school was outside in the courtyard  listening to an announcement Satsuki was giving.

Satsuki: Today, we embark on the complete overhaul of the student council! If you participate. You will have free reign to attack your peers. There are no restrictions to weapons or tactics. Those who survive will meet here in seven days. These survivors will then fight to claim their social standing. A fight for change. An election in the form of a battle Royale!

Y/N: That's some election.

Ryuko: What kind of election is that?

Satsuki: Unlike traditional elections you will not choose someone to represent you! You will represent yourself! Your status! Your strength! Your way of life! In seven days, at 8:30 am. The survivors that have assembled here will have a sudden death run off. And if you emerge victorious. I will personally grant you a brand new goku-uniform! Now, students of Honnouji Academy! Fight!

Everyone looks at each other for a second until finally no-stars, one-stars, and two two-stars start to unless all out hell.

You, Ryuko, and mako could barley see due to the chaos.

Ryuko: Mako! (Y\N)! C'mon follow me! I got somewhere we can go! 

Mako/Y/N: got it!

Class k

Aikuro: *looks down window*Man would you look at that.

Ryuko opens the door and walks in with You and Mako.

Aikuro: Hey looks like you guys made out.

Ryuko: yeah barely.

You and Ryuko walk to the window and look outside.

Y/N: Man this school just keeps getting better and better.

Aikuro: you said it.

Ryuko: Well it ain't all bad. This is my chance to give Satsuki a piece of my mind.

Aikuro: I don't think so, look.

Aikuro points at the tallest tower in the Honouji Academy.

Aikuro points at the tallest tower in the Honouji Academy

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