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You want to go back don't you?
You don't want your story to end here do you?
You want to stay with your friends.
The people you've had so many memories with.
The people you've trusted, the people you've protected, the people you've loved. It's all been taken away from you just like that.
You don't choose when to die. It can happen whenever, and sadly it's either to slow or to fast. It's best just to accept your fate.
You still don't want to move on do you? You think because you're the hero you don't deserve to die.
Heh, I was a hero to you know but my reward was losing complete control of my body. Believe it or not I was the lucky one. Every single one of my friends were hero's and wanted to overthrow evil......Not even half of them made it to the final battle.
So what makes you special? Why should you keep living?
You really refuse to accept what fate has dealt you? You want a second chance and won't accept no for an answer.
You refuse to move on thinking that someone or something will give you life again. How can you hope for that?
Your heart stopped in space. Who will save you?
You still refuse? You still have hope? Heh, You don't have much time left until you fully pass away but by some chance you do wake up...do me a favor.... tell Incursio that even though he tried to take my body, thank you for helping me defeat our enemies and protecting the ones I loved. That is if you wake up.
If you wake up.
If you wake up.
Wake up.
Wake up.
???: Wake up damn it!

kill la kill x Incursio male readerWhere stories live. Discover now