I am Tyrant!

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Incursio: Who the hell is (Y/N)?

Ryuko looked thinking it was still you.

Ryuko: *Laughs* Nice try.

Ryuko started to walk around Incursio and inspect his body.

Ryuko: Gotta say that armor is pretty tough, but to be honest you look pretty funny.

Incursio: Funny?

Ryuko:*Laughs* Yeah with the weird voice to.

After a bit of laughing Incursio starts to laugh as well. Ryuko laughs even harder and Incursio does so too.

Ryuko: Oh man (Y/N) your such a-

Incursio grabs Ryuko by the neck and lifts her off the ground as he pulls her to his face.

Incursio: Ok, now I've got a joke .

Ryuko couldn't take a single breath due to Incursio's grip around her neck.

Incursio: This funny looking armor is going to be the last thing you look at before i take my foot and smash your face in like the inferior being you are...Funny right?

Ryuko: (Y/N)....what....are you...doing?

Incursio: I'm afraid that person is no longer with us.

Incursio punches Ryuko in the face, sending her back. Satsuki catches her.

Satsuki: Ryuko?

Ryuko gets up and rubs her face in pain.

Ryuko: What the hell is going on with (Y/N)?

Incursio: Aww did that hurt? Don't worry, that was just a play punch but I guess it's time to get serious.

Satsuki: (Y/N)! Control yourself!

Incursio: You keep saying that name like I'm still him but I guess I'll have to show you who you're messing with!

Incursio charges at Satsuki and lifts up his spear but Ryuko gets in front of her and blocks the attack.

Incursio: You blocked the attack. Impressive.

Ryuko struggled to keep in control.

Ryuko: H-Hey...Satsuki...how about you make yourself useful and grab Junketsu.

Satsuki: On it.

Satsuki gets up and runs to Esdeath who was still passed out.

Incursio: Where do you think you're going?

Incursio try's to push Ryuko away.

Ryuko: Sorry.

Ryuko Instead pushes Incursio back.

Ryuko: I've got questions I want answered.

Incursio: *Chuckles* Let me guess you want me tell you were your precious (Y/N) Is?

Ryuko: You kind of have the same armor as he does so you know him some how.

Incursio: What if I told you I killed him.

Ryuko: Liar!

Incursio: That I feasted on him like he was nothing more than a spec of meat.

Ryuko: Shut the hell up!

Incursio: Uh oh, I think someone's anger is coming out. That's what I like about you Ryuko, you've got the shortest fuse on earth!

Ryuko: Stop joking around!

Ryuko charges at Incursio.

Incursio: And now your coming to me! Good! I love it when my prey puts on a fight!

kill la kill x Incursio male readerWhere stories live. Discover now