It was me

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Y/N: Come on it won't happen again.

?????: This is the fourth time (L/N). Plus you asked way to many questions instead of just doing the mission.

Y/N: That was because I wanted to make sure he was worth killing.


Y/N: I know, I know but the guy died anyway so this really isn't a mission failed in my book.

?????: Well it is in ours! So we're gonna have to put you through a sequence.

Y/N: C'mon don't do that! That gives me a massive headache!

?????: You know what happens when you fail a mission.

Y/N: Look I'll kill the next target as fast as I can and without question.

?????: How am I supposed to believe you.

Y/N: You're just gonna have to trust me, and besides if you give me a sequence then I'll need some time to recover and that might take a lot of your time.

?????:.... Are you sure you can do this?

Y/N: Without a doubt.

?????: Don't make me regret this.

No-star district: Your House

???: Wake up. Wake up!

You slowly open your eyes and notice you were tied to a chair.

Y/N: Were am I? What happened?

???: You're gonna answer our questions. Do you understand?

You wake up and see two black figures shining a bright light on you.

Y/N: Who the hell are you guys?

One of the figures punches (Y/N) in the face.

???: Like I said. You're answering our questions.

Y/N:*smiles* Alright what's up.

???: Where's Ryuko? More specifically where does she stay?

Y/N: How am I supposed to know that?

You get punched again.

???: You're already pissing me off.

????: C'mon man. He just woke up and he's probably about to go back to sleep if you keep hitting him like that.

???: Well tell him to stop lying, And who told you to tell me what to do? You're a rookie.

????: I'm just saying.

Y/N: Wait how long have I've been passed out.

????: Four days.

Y/N: What?

???: Why the hell are you answering his questions!?

????: Oops.

Y/N: *Chuckles* I'll think I'll call you two agent-one and agent-two.

kill la kill x Incursio male readerWhere stories live. Discover now