Don't think this is over

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One stars, two stars, the elite four, Mako, Aikuro, Tsumugu, Satsuki, Ryuko, Esdeath, and you, with your armor on. Everyone was in the academy suited up and ready to fight to end Ragyo's plans.

Nui: Welcome everyone! To the runway of death!

Ragyo: This world belongs to the life fibers and try as you must you will not stop me wrapping this planet in a cocoon.

Satsuki: We will stop it! Will power courses through our veins! That will give us the strength to!

Ryuko: besides we've already killed the primordial life fiber. It's over so give up.

Senketsu: Be careful Ryuko. She's powerful, more than ever before.

Ryuko: It's ok, We've got this.

Ragyo: *smiles* You fools. Life fiber Domination Shinra-Kōketsu!

 Life fiber Domination Shinra-Kōketsu!

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Nui: Its ready. You're up Hououmaru.

Hououmaru: Right.

Ragyo's kamui grabs Hououmaru and absorbs her.

Ragyo's kamui grabs Hououmaru and absorbs her

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Ragyo's Kamui then starts to glow with power.

Y/N: That doesn't look good.

Ragyo: Now you will know what true fear is!

A giant transmitter rises from the ground. And a shield of fiber forms around it.

 And a shield of fiber forms around it

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