I have survived

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You wake up and to see and old man giving you mouth to mouth. You immediately push him off and take a deep breath of air.

Y/N: What the hell?

???: Oh your awake.

???: Oh your awake

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Y/N: Who are you?

Joe: The names joe. Glad to see you're ok.

Y/N: Wh- What happened.

Joe: Ok so there I was walking and I saw you gliding in the air!

Y/N: Gliding?

You look at your back and saw that you had a pair of medium sized wings.

Y/N: What the?

Joe: when I saw you gliding down I naturally followed. You crashed down down to the floor and I saw you weren't breathing. I didn't see any wounds so I check your pulse and your heart wasn't beating. I then gave you CPR and here we are.

Y/N: Really?

Joe: That's the truth.

Y/N: Th- Thank you. Thank you so much.

Joe: It's no problem, say did you come from space or something.

Y/N: Yes, How did you know?

Joe: You we're pretty high in the air and I had my fair share of high heights.

Y/N: Oh....Well I need to get back to the academy.

Joe: Honnouji Academy?

Y/N: Yeah.

Joe:*reaches out hand* That's a long walk.

You grab joe's hand and get up.

Y/N: It's fine I don't mind. Thanks again.

Joe: You're welcome.

You shake Joe's hand and turn to walk away. You take one step forward and immediately fall on your face.

Joe: A-Are you ok?

Y/N: I can't feel my legs...again.

Joe picks you up and puts your arm around his shoulders.

Joe: It looks like you'll need help getting there.

Y/N: Yeah, thanks for that too.

Joe: Let's go.

You both walk slowly to the Honnouji Academy.

Everyone continued to morn you. Esdeath started to shed a tear but she hated showing any emotion that wasn't dominant so she quickly wiped it away. Sanageyama, started to back away from the crowd and walk to the entrance of the Academy.

Sanageyama: He's really gone. I thought he was the least likely to die from what I saw from our fight.

You and Joe make it to the tram.

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