Part 2:Beacon Academy

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We were still on the Airship to Beacon Academy as I was looking around I saw a blonde dude throwing up and a blonde girl hugging a black and dark red haired girl who was a lot shorter than the other girl.

We started to land and I started walking out the blonde man threw up in the nearest trash can I just rubbed his back "You ok dude?"

"*Blarg* Yeah Thanks"

"Your welcome...I guess?"

"So what's your name?"

"YN LN what about yours vomit boy?"

"Hey! Don't call me that the names Jaune Arc short sweet rolls off the tongue ladies love it"

"Do they?"

"I mean they will" he said looking nervous

"Well see you around lady killer"I said sarcastically while walking away

"See ya"

I walked out to see the giant building that is Beacon Academy "wow that's amazing... where do I go?" As i say this I hear a loud explosion

I took off towards the explosion to see a girl in all white with white hair yelling at the red girl from earlier. I sympathized with the girl getting yelled at it was her first day and she seemed as nervous as I was so I decided to intervene

"Calm down princess I'm sure she didn't mean trip on your luggage"

"I doesn't matter if she meant to she could have blown us all off this cliff with the stunt she pulled"She said

"Why did you even bring so much in one load wouldn't it have been safer if your brought them one by one to avoid this situation Ice queen"I responded

She looked like she was about to respond with a witty retort but couldn't actually call me out on my logic

"It's heiress actually" I heard a third woman's voice from behind me

"Weiss Schnee heiress to the Schnee dust company"

"Finally some recognition" the girl I now know as Weiss says

"The same company infamous for its controversial labor forces and questionable business partners" the black haired girl said

Me and the red girl just stepped back letting that comment speak for its self "How dare you" as Weiss walked off. Me and the red girl stood there and looked over to the black haired girl leaving We than looked at each other. Now that I took time to look at her she was actually really cute and looked pretty young more around my age that anyone I expected to see here

"Umm Thank you for helping me" her voice snapped me back to reality it was so light and sounded so nice

"Oh umm no problem" I looked away hiding my slightly blushed face

"What's Your Name?" She asked tilting her head

"YN LN and yours?"

"Oh I'm Ruby Rose"

"Wow that's a really pretty name" I thought

I saw Ruby's face turn a little red "T-Thank you Your Name is nice to"

"Wait did I say that out loud?!"

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