Part 10: The Mission

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"Yang Xiao Long prepare your kingdom for battle" Ruby said

I was sitting beside Ruby as her Weiss, Blake and Yang all played this board game all about conquering Remnant. "Bring it on" Yang responded

"I deploy the Atlesian Air Fleet!" Ruby said as Yang then gasped in horror

"Looks like I get to fly right over your Ursa and attack your walls directly" she then started to make plane fighting noises with her mouth

"You fiend" Yang said

"And since Atlas is part of Mantle my repair time only lasts one turn" Ruby said

"You can think out a play like that and yet you locked yourself in the bathroom for half an hour this morning" I said

"Quiet you! The true leader of Remnant is speaking!" She yelled

Yang then started to laugh "Pretty sneaky sis but you just activated my trap card!" She says as Ruby gasps while saying "What?!"

"Giant Nevermore!" As Yang stands up and hits the table knocking over most of the pieces on the board

"If I roll a 7 or higher then fatal feathers with slice your fleet in two" Yang said

"But! If you roll a six or lower the Nevermore will turn on your own people" Ruby said

"That's just a chance I'm willing to take"Yang says

"On a D-8? I highly doubt that you will" Rolls a 7 "Huh,"

"Yes!" Yang exclaims

"Nooooo! My fearless soldiers" Ruby yells

"Most of them are probably androids" I say

"My friends you will be avenged" Ruby says

Yang then starts explaining why she gets a ton of rewards from this as Ruby keeps getting saltier.

"Well Weiss it's your turn" Yang says

"I have absolutely no idea what's going on?" She says

Yang goes over to Weiss and starts looking through her hand and telling her what cards she can use "And that means...?" Weiss said waiting for an answer

"You're just 3 moves away from conquering Remnant" Ruby says

"Oh no" I say as Weiss stands up and goes full maniacal dictator for a couple seconds

"Fear the almighty power of my forces! Cower as they pillage your homes and weep as the take your children from your very arms-" Weiss says

"Trap Card" Yangs says before moving a bunch of pieces around "Your armies have been destroyed" Yang says casually

"This is a pretty unbalanced game if one card can just do that" I say

"I hate this game of emotions we play!" Weiss said

"Stay strong Weiss we'll make it through this together" Ruby said jumping into weiss' arms

"Shut up don't touch me" Weiss said while hugging Ruby

"Alright Blake you're up" Yang said putting her hands behind her head

"What?" Blake said coming out of thought

"Sorry what am I doing?" She said

"You're playing as Vale trying to conquer the kingdoms of Remnant" Yang said


"Hey mind if I play?" Jaune said

Sorry Jaune we already got four people" Ruby says

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