Part 20: A Bigger Plan

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It was time for the one on one rounds. We volunteered Yang to go up since she was the only one that wasn't eliminated from the doubles round. We watched the roulette go and it landed on a guy who's on Emerald's team named Mercury Black and the other fighter was Yang. We all smiled "Break a leg sis!" Ruby yelled

Yang and Mercury met in the middle and started to fight. They were almost perfect mirrors of each other. Yang fights with her hands while Mercury fights with just his legs only using his arms to support his body and block Yang's strikes. It was a really even match and Mercury hit Yang with a ton of shots. He walked away like he won the fight but then Yang activated her semblance and beat the hell out of Mercury and won. We cheered on Yang as she walked by. Yang then turned around and shot Mercury in the leg breaking his shin and ankle as he yelled in pain and the entire stadium gasped in shock Team RWBY included. We all stared at Yang confused we all knew she wouldn't do that without a reason but it's hard to argue with what we just saw. "No, no Y-Yang wouldn't" Ruby said looking in disbelief

"I-I know. T-There must have been a reason or something" I said still incredibly confused

I was trying to reassure Ruby who was crying at this point as Atlesian knights surrounded her and pointed guns at her.

Timeskip to Team RWBY in the dorm with General Ironwood
"I'm sorry you left us with no choice" Ironwood said

"But he attacked me!" Yang angrily said

"Video footage and millions of viewers say otherwise"

"Yang would never do something like that!" Weiss argued

"Yeah!" Ruby reinforced

"You all seem like good students and the staff here at Beacon are fully aware you would never lash out like that. Under normal circumstances. What I believe and hope this to be nothing more than a result of stress and adrenaline. When you are out on the battle field your judgement can become clouded in an instant. Sometimes you see things that simply aren't there. Either way the fight has passed"

"But I would never-" Yang was interrupted

"That's enough! The sad truth is weather it was an accident or an assault it doesn't matter the world saw you attack an innocent student. They've already drawn their own conclusions and it's my job to inform you that you are disqualified"

Ironwood then left the room followed by his androids. "You guys believe me right?" Yang asked with tears cresting in her eyes

"Well duh" Ruby said

"You're hotheaded but not ruthless" Weiss said

"You may get angry at times but you'd never do something so drastic without a reason" I said and looked to Maple

"I've only known you for a couple days but YNs told me stories of the thing s you five have done. From what I can tell you'd never do something so relentless" Maple said before staring off into space

"Blake?" Yang said

Blake stayed silent and Ruby and Weiss looked at each other in disbelief. I gave Blake a worried look

"I want to believe you" she said

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Weiss angrily said

"Let her explain" I said knowing the effect the White Fang can have on people's trust

"Blake?" Yang said as the tears that were forming before started to streak down her face

"How can you say something like that?! Yang would never lie to us!" Weiss said

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