Part 6: The Past

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These are doing better than I thought they would so Thank you for that

Timeskip to Vale at the Vytal Festival
The 5 of us were walking down the streets of Vale for the Vytal Festival I think, Weiss didn't elaborate to much on why we were here "Ohh this is absolutely wonderful"Weiss said strangely happy

"I don't think I've ever seen you smile this much Weiss"Ruby said

"It's kinda freaking me out"I said

"How could you not smile it's a festival dedicated to the cultures of the world there will be Dances, Parades a Tournament Ohh the planning it takes to organize such an event is simply breath taking"Weiss said

"You really know how to take a good thing and make it sound boring" Yang said crossing her arms

"Quiet you"Weiss said

"Remind me again why we're spending our Friday afternoon at the docks" Yang said

"Eww it smells like fish"Ruby said covering her nose

"That's What happens when you visit the ocean ruby" I said while holding back a bit of laughter

"I heard students will be arriving by ship to day I wish to greet them as a representative of Beacon Academy"Weiss said

"She wants to scout the competition to see what we are up against"Blake said

"You can't prove that"Weiss said defensively

"I feel like time will prove that for us" I said as Ruby spotted a crime scene at a dust shop "Whoa"

We walked up to the crime scene and talked to one of the people working with the Vale police "What happened here?" Ruby asked

"Robbery second Dust shop hit this week this whole place is turning into a jungle" the cop said as he walked away

"That's terrible" Yang said

"They left all the money again!" Said one of the cops

"Hm" me and Ruby raised our heads to the conversation between the two cops they brought up why a group of people would need so much dust before accusing the White Fang then complaining about pay

"Hmph! the White Fang what an awful bunch of degenerates"Weiss said

"What's your problem?"Blake said

"My problem? I simply don't care for the criminally insane" Weiss said

"I don't think it's fair to call them criminally insane" I said

"The White Fang are hardly a bunch of psycho paths they are a group of misguided Faunus"Blake said

"Misguided? They want to wipe humanity off the face of the planet"Weiss said

"So then they're VERY misguided. Either way that doesn't explain why they would rob a dust shop in the middle of downtown Vale" Blake said

"I think I have a partial answer to that" I said

"Really" Weiss said

"On the day Ozpin invited me to Beacon I was walking down the street and saw 3 White fang crawl through a hole in the wall in an alleyway I knocked them out and on the other side of this hole was a warehouse filled with dust crystals and vials and I was attacked by a bear fannus in the White Fang uniform who was guarding the dust"I said

"Hmmm that may have just been where they stock pile there dust in Vale" Blake said

"Maybe but it's good to keep them in mind"I said

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