Part 3:Initiation

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Today is initiation day I woke up and made my way to my locker passing ruby and yang on the way "Hey girls"

"Hey YN" they both said before continuing their conversation

I got changed into my fighting clothes a FC (Favourite Colour) T-Shirt with a (silhouette logo) on it under a Black zip up hoodie with jeans and black converse. I strapped some light dark leather bracers to my forearms for a little more protection And slide my wrist band of shot gun shells onto my left wrist and put a magazine of rifle ammo in my back pocket. I then strapped my two longswords to my back (Leonardo from TMNT style) and walked out.

I walked up to Ruby and Yang they were the only people I really knew so so wanted to stay with them. They started talking about teams then the conversation turned to a more personal sister to sister conversation so I decide to make my presents known a bit later. They then noticed me after Ruby got mad at Yang for implying she needed to break out of her shell "Oh hi again YN" Ruby said

"Hey Ruby Hey Yang what's up?"

"Nothin just talking about that rumour about teams being formed today" Yang said


We then looked over a the noise of a weapon hitting one of the lockers to see Phyrra Nikos pinned Jaune to a locker then walked away with Weiss

"Oh no the Ice Queens already gotten to Phyrra"I said in a slightly sarcastic manor

We than walked over to Jaune

"Lady Troubles?"Yang said helping Jaune up

"I don't understand my dad said all that women look for is confidence"

"You gotta cut your loses somewhere bro"I said patting him on the shoulder

Timeskip to The initiation forest
We all took our places standing on various panels on the ground and listened to Ozpin's speech we learnt that we would be partnered up with the first person we make eye contact with in the forest. we were then shot towards the forest.

I started falling through the air I dodged around trees then used my semblance to make shockwaves come from my hands to cushion my fall I landed and started running in a random direction trying to find anyone I knew "Ruby would be nice to find or Yang maybe Jaune" I kept running until I came upon a sight I didn't expect here.

I came across a White Fang camp site I ran to hide in a bush as White Fang started to walk out and discuss there plans "Maybe they can help me find Maple" I jumped out of the bush with my arms extended to the camp site and sent a shock wave knocking over their tents and extinguishing their small camp fire as well as knocking a few off there feet. I took out my swords and one by one started taking them out. I was down to one and I was feeling worn by this point He tried to run but I threw my sword near his foot distracting him for long enough for me to pounce on him pinning him to the ground "You are gonna tell me exactly what I want to know if you want to exit this forest with all ten of your fingers still attached" I said pinning his clothes to the ground with one sword and grabbing his hand positioning my second sword between his index and middle fingers

He gulped nervously "OK OK OK What do you want to know?"

"Where is Maple (L/N)?"


I slid the blade across his index finger not cutting it off but making it bleed and cutting into it just a little

"Please no I don't know who that is please"

"She's a deer fannus her name is Maple (L/N) she was taken into the White Fang years ago tell me where she is!"

"I swear I don't know please just let me go"

Ruby Rose x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now