Part 14: Shadowing a Huntsman

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(AN:Well this took a lot longer than I wanted to get out so, Sorry about that. I usually like to get these out about two or three days after the previous part but the scheduling for life and this really got out of hand quick so Sorry again)

Me and Ruby were on our way up to Ozpin's Office to talk with him, Ironwood and Glynda. We eventually made it and it looked like Ironwood and Glynda were in a heated argument. I would make a joke about them being in love but with the two of them it would likely result in me being shot out the window and left to fall to my death. "Sorry it took so long someone accidentally hit all of the buttons on the way up here" I said glancing at Ruby

"It wasn't me" she said looking around the room nervously

"Thank you for coming you two how are you feeling?" Ozpin asked

"Ok I guess, I would feel better if my bad guy catching record wasn't 0-3" she said with a nervous chuckle

Nobody laughed "ok so that the tone were going for, Got it" I mumbled scratching the back of my neck

Ironwood walked up to the both of us "Ruby, YN I feel it is appropriate to let you know that I think what you two did last night is exactly what being a huntsman or huntress is all about. You recognized a threat, you took action and you did the best you could"

"Thank you sir" we said

"Now, The general here has already informed us of the events that transpired last night but now that you've rested we were wondering if you had anything to add" Ozpin said

"Was anyone with her?, Did she look familiar to you at all?" Glynda asked

Me and Ruby looked at each other "I...I don't know. She was wearing a mask and she never said anything to me but I know she fought with glass I don't think that was her semblance though her clothing lit up whenever she attacked" Ruby said

"Say for the glass that sounds like the women I fought the night we met Ruby" Glynda said

"Imbedding dust into clothing is an age old technique it could have been anyone" Ironwood added

I nodded "The only thing I can think to add is that she likely did what she went there to do before we got there because she didn't seem bothered by being interrupted and having to leave" I said

"That actually help more than you think YN. But the question still stands what did she do?" Ironwood said

"Wait? You think this girl could be connected to Torchwick and the White Fang?" Ruby said

"It's possible. But we still lack the required evidence to link the two together" Ozpin said

Me and Ruby gave each other a look and we smiled at each other then nodded "Actually I remember her saying something about a hideout or something in the south east just outside the kingdom" Ruby said

Ozpin smirked "Interesting"

"I thought you said the intruder never-" Glynda was interrupted by Ozpin

"Thank you for your cooperation Ruby and YN why don't you two go spend sometime with your team. You have a big day ahead of you" Ozpin said

"Anytime" Ruby said gleefully turning around as I followed

"And Mrs.Rose, Mr.LN, please try and be discreet about this matter" Ruby said as we walked back into the elevator

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