Part 22: The Fall of Beacon

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We were surrounded by Grimm. Everyone was doing their best to hold off the Grimm. Me, Weiss, Maple, Velvet, Coco, Ren, Nora, Sun and Neptune were doing our best to hold off the Grimm as well as fight off two Atlesian Paladins that had turned on us. Nora got taken out and Ren followed shortly after "Weiss Launch me!" I yelled

She made a glyph under me that was able to propel me onto one of the Paladins. I started shoting down shockwaves on the paladin I was on. It reached up and ripped me off of it and tossed me at Sun. He was able to use his semblance clones to stop me before I hit him "This isn't working" Sun said

"I guess now is as good a time as any. Velvet!" Coco said

"Really!?" Velvet said excitedly

"Just make em count" Coco said

Velvet started walking up to the Paladins "What are you doing she's going to get hurt!" Weiss yelled

"Just watch" Coco said

Velvet extended her arm and formed a sort of holographic version of Ruby's Scythe and began to fight with that. She then swapped to Weiss's Rapier the to Yang's Gauntlets and then Blake's swords. She then created my left sword and Maple's sword and began slicing through the Paladins with that. She switched to Coco's minigun then switched to Sun's staff to block an attack. She was launched back and switched to Nora's hammer to deliver a strike to the first Paladin. She then switched to Penny's swords and began slicing through the Paladins before firing a beam from Penny's weapons. Velvet then got knocked away by a Paladin and we all jumped in to fight it with ranged attacks. Weiss ran towards Velvet using her glyphs to run faster. A large glyph appeared behind her and she stood in front of Velvet. The Paladin was about to hit them before an Icy spectral Knight's arm with a sword blocked the attack and cut the Paladin in half. Everyone ran up to Weiss and Velvet "What was that Weiss!?" I said

"I-I don't really know"

"You've been holding out on us" I joked

"No it's just I didn't think I could do that"

"That was amazing Weiss" Maple said

"T-Thank you" she smiled

We then turned our attention to another Paladin strangely enough this one looked kinda like a badger. "You have got to be kidding me!" Sun groaned

It started running towards us then collapsed just short of us. "Oh... Good work team!" I said

"Weiss, YN!" We heard Yang yell

"Shit" "YN where's Ruby?" She asked

"I kinda let her go off and be you know... Ruby"

Her eyes turned red "Why would you do that I told you to look after her!"

"Yang your sister is so much stronger than you think she is. I understand the worry. I'm worried too but you should know by this point you can't stop Ruby from trying to be the hero"

She closed her eyes and they turned back to her lilac colour "If she gets hurt you're dead"

"If Ruby gets hurt I'll let you kill me" I said

"Have either of you seen Blake?"

"She went after an Alpha and some members of the White Fang" Weiss said pointing off in a direction

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