Part 9: A date

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I was just sitting around in my dorm room not really doing anything. I closed my eyes and laid down relaxing on Ruby's bed, after a few minutes I felt something nice, soft and a little wet press against my cheek when it separated I opened my eyes to see my girlfriend Ruby sitting beside me I pulled my earbuds out "Hey Rubes, thanks for the kiss"I said

"That wasn't a kiss" as she pressed her lips onto mine and kissed me for a couple of amazing seconds

"That was a kiss" she said smiling at me

"You're cute when you try and sound sensual and I will admit I liked that one more" I said as we both laughed, blushed and I sat up

"What's up?" I asked

"Nothing just wanted to see you" she then hugged on to me and we laid back down on her bed

We cuddled for a couple minutes until I realized something "Hey Ruby"

"Yeah YN?"

"We've been dating for a bit now right"

"Yeah why do you ask?"

"Have we actually gone on a date yet?"

Ruby's POV
I thought back we actually hadn't yet. We started to date after we both confessed at the docks but we never actually went on a date

"N-No actually we haven't"I said kinda nervous about a first date even though we've already done most of what people do on first dates

"W-would you mind if I take you out on a date t-tomorrow a-afternoon?" He said sounding a bit nervous to

"Not at all" I said smiling at him with a bit more confidence

"Awesome I got the perfect surprise in mind"

"I can't wait" I said before kissing his soft cheek again then skipping to the door and exiting the room

Timeskip to The next morning
I woke up but didn't feel YN I raised my head and I was alone in my bed I looked at the pillow and there was a folded note with a red heart on it resting where YN usually puts his head I picked it up and sat up on my bed before opening it

Hey rubes sorry for leaving this morning I had to set up for our date. You can get your payback then I guess. Meet me outside the main Beacon entrance at 12

Love you

"Love you too YN"I quietly said while smiling

"He's not even here Ruby" Yang said from below me which startled me

"Ahhh! Yang I-I-I didn't k-know you were awake!" I yelped

"Well I am sooo what's that~" Yang cooed and climbed up to my bed

We fought for a bit but she eventually pried the letter from my grasp

I covered my face in embarrassment as Yang laughed while reading the letter

"You two are so cute together"She said which made me blush even more

She then hugged me "I'm so proud of you Ruby" Yang said

Timeskip to 12
I was sitting in front of the Beacon entrance in some casual clothes. I had texted Ruby that this wasn't gonna be a fancy thing so just dress casual. I was wearing an unzipped Red hoodie a black T-Shirt, Jeans and FC shoes. I was sitting on a bench waiting for Ruby to get here when I felt two hands cover my eyes "Hey Rubes" I said

"Hello" She said and kissed my ear before removing her hands

She was wearing her signature red hood, a black T-shirt with a lapel pocket with a rose in it but it wasn't actually there it was just the design on the shirt, A red skirt, black leggings and brown shoes. She looked wonderful and I made that known to her "You look really cute Ruby" I said smiling

She blushed and grabbed my hand "So where are we off to?"

"That's a secret"

I intertwined our fingers and started walking with her to our destination. I took her into the the Forest of Forever Falls and to a small cliff where we could see the forest and the leafs blowing through the air. "This is Beautiful YN!"

I climbed up a tree as she said this and grabbed a small basket and blanket I had hid up there a little bit ago. I laid down the blanket and put down the basket and sat down and patted the ground beside me while smiling at her. She sat down beside me and I started taking out various foods Cookies, Strawberries, Berries, Sandwiches and we started to eat. We were enjoying each others company, telling stories while we ate and admiring the view of the forest. Ruby was resting her head on my shoulder as the date went on. There was a couple of moments of silence before Ruby asked a question that was on her mind "Hey YN"

"Yeah Rubes"

"What was Maple like? I know you are searching for her and I was just curious about what she was like?"

I was silent for a couple seconds

"You don't have to say if you don't want to, I was just curious?"

"No it's ok Ruby I'll tell you. In a way you kinda remind me of her she was pretty energetic and was very open and honest"

She giggled "Trust me we'll find her"

"Thanks Rubes" I gave her a kiss that lasted about 10 seconds

We continued our conversations and laughed until it started to get dark. I could tell Ruby was getting really tired so I offered her a ride on my back back to the dorms which she gladly accepted. She placed her hands on my shoulders and I placed my hands under her legs to make sure she didn't fall. We eventually made it back to the dorm and I put her down and we walked back into the dorm "Well that was fun"Ruby said

"Yeah we should do that again sometime" I responded

"Yeah, Now I'm really tired though so maybe we should try and not do this to often" she yawned

"Agreed" as I let out a yawn of my own as got dressed and climbed into her bed

"Goodnight Rubes" I said kissing her forehead

"Goodnight YN" she responded

(AN: There is now more than 300 views on this fanfic which is awesome because it's doing way better than I thought it would when I released the first couple chapters. Next chapter will be a more story based chapter than this one)

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