Part 15:The White Fangs Plan

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Maple's POV
I was walking along with some other White Fang members, a Mute girl named Neo and Roman Torchwick. We were setting up our plan in an abandoned train station under Mountain Glenn. The plan was basically we fill train cars with explosives and blow them up to make holes for Grimm to infiltrate Vale. Though I wasn't really on board with this plan because Vale is very close to Beacon Academy and I had done some research on my off time and YN goes to Beacon. I still didn't know weather to believe him or not but just the chance that he was being honest was a sort of sobering thought. I had never doubted the White Fang before but after my talk with him I started to think about the story about my families deaths that the White Fang told me and some things didn't really add up and I was now constantly second guessing everything that I did with the White Fang. "Hey antlers! Hurry up and help!" Torchwick yelled

That was another thing about this job, Torchwick didn't seem to care about anything but his own survival which was annoying. I walked over to a few of my White Fang brothers and sisters and helped them to transport a box of explosives into a cart.

Me, Yang, Blake and Weiss were all inside the building Obleck told us to set up in. Yang, Weiss and Blake were by the fire while I was sitting in front of an opening in the wall watching Ruby and Obleck talk. "I can't believe we didn't find anything" Yang said kinda frustrated but more just disappointed

"We've always been at the right place at the right time. Our good luck was bound to run out sometime" I said getting up and walking towards the girls and sitting at the fire

There were a few seconds of nobody talking and the only sounds being the crackling fire and the wind outside "That's not what I meant" Weiss said

"Hmm?" We all responded

"Earlier. About upholding the legacy there's more to it than that" she continued

"Yeah. No me to I mean. I don't know" Yang said looking dejected

"Me neither. I know what I want to do but I figured I would always take things one step at a time" Blake said standing up

"My entire goal is to find Maple and bring her back and I might be able to do that soon. I never even thought about after I found her" I said also standing up

"Well it doesn't matter. We know why were here. Right?" Yang said

We all looked around and at the ground in silence "Ahh wonderful a textbook camp fire" Obleck said dashing into the room

"Fire!" Ruby yelled

She jogged up to it and knelt down by it "Soo Warm~" She said as she warmed her self up

"Very good! Eat your dinner and hurry to bed. We have a lot of ground to cover tomorrow and I need you to take turns watching over our temporary abode. So any volunteers for first watch?" Obleck said

"Yo" Ruby said raising her hand

She started walking over to the watch point I was sitting at before "Hey" Yang said getting Ruby's attention

"Did Obleck ask you why you wanted to be a huntress. I mean what did you tell him?" Yang asked

"Hmm No he didn't. Weird oh well good night guys" She said walking the rest of the way to the watch point

The rest of us finished eating and went to bed thinking about what Obleck asked us that day. We all tried to sleep for hours but to no avail Ruby was the only one that fell asleep even though she was the only one that needed to stay awake. Yang than spoke "Blake are you awake?"

"Yeah" Blake responded

"Why do you think he asked us about being a huntress. Like what was he trying to say?" Yang asked

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