Part 17: Vytal Tournament

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I was currently holding hands with Ruby as she was taking me to a Cliffside. We were going to do something very important to Ruby. As we walked up to a single grave sat on the cliffside that had the name "Summer Rose" Engraved on it. Ruby let go of my hand and spoke "Hey mom sorry I haven't come by in a while. Things have been. Well things have been busy. Oh! Dads here to. he's you know Dad. He's still teaching at Signal but he told me he's going to be going on some missions soon. I think he misses adventuring with you. I miss you too" I saw Ruby get a little sad so I placed my hand on her shoulder and smiled when she turned to look at me

She turned back to the grave "Haven't gotten kicked out of Beacon yet so that's cool. I think being on a team with Yang helps. I keep her inline. That was a joke. She's actually a really great fighter you can tell she's learned a lot from dad. So are Weiss, Blake and YN. Oh! They're my team mates and YN is a lot more than just a teammate he's actually here too" as she placed her hand on my hand that was still on her shoulder

"Hi Mrs. Rose I know we've never talked before but Ruby talks about you enough to the point where I feel like I already know you" I said as Ruby giggled

"Your daughters an amazing woman. I mean Yang is too but I love Ruby. I'm sure you would be proud of the leader she's grown into" I said as Ruby blushed

"Anyways I've made a bunch of new friends and I've met some let's say odd teachers. Oh! We've also stopped some bad guys too it's just like they say Like Mother Like Daughter... I still wonder why Ozpin let me into the school early but eh you know he'll tell me one day, you know how he is. The more I get to know him the more he sounds like uncle Qrow" we then heard the familiar bark of Zwei

"Oh! Looks like dads back. I gotta go he's dropping me off at Beacon before the tournament match before he leaves on his next mission. Wish me luck!" She said putting her red hood up

As we walked up to Zwei and Ruby's father but Ruby stopped and turned back to Summers grave "It was good to talk" She said

We then walked the rest of the way to Zwei and Ruby's father "H-Hello M-Mr X-Xiao Long" I said nervously stuttering

"I'm YN LN"

"Oh so your the boy Ruby's been going on about?"

"Y-Yes S-Sir" I said. God it feels like explaining our relationship to the team all over again except a million times more nerve raking

"Alright you can drop the formal stuff just call me Taiyang or Tai for short if we get along" he said extending his hand

I shook his hand "A-Alright it's nice to meet you Taiyang" I said

"So do you really care about Ruby?" He asked in a slightly more serious voice

"More than anything" I plainly stated

He smirked "Would you lay down your life for her?" He asked

I nodded "Without a second thought"

He chuckled "You'll make a great son-in-law" he said walking away as both mine and Ruby's faces turned as red as possible

"Dad!?" Ruby exclaimed in embarrassment as I looked at the floor

"That actually sounds kinda nice" I thought smiling but still blushing and looking at the ground as I followed Ruby

Timeskip to after team RWBY's fight against team ABRN (AN:That's how I'm assuming it's spelled)
Me and Maple we're watching in the stands watching Team RWBY beat the other team. I wasn't allowed to participate because Team RWBY was technically a team of 5 so me and Maple were watching. It was really interesting and I watched Ruby through out the entire match and Maple was swapping between the different members of RWBY but mainly watching Weiss. She has gotten the closest with Weiss since Ozpin let her stay with us. I was impressed at how she was able to actually keep a conversation with Weiss despite there upbringings actively going against each other. The match ended when Weiss made a slide for Yang and Yang slid across it holding Blake's grapple Ruby the shot Blake at the three remaining members of Team ABRN and Blake swung Yang into then and Yang punch all three of them at the same time sending them into the wall. Me and Maple stood up and cheered then made our way to the area we found the team and walked up behind them. I grabbed Ruby from behind around the waist and lifted her up "Congrats Ruby!"

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