Part 11: Maple

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I made it to the building that the Coordinates were pointing me to. I started to parkour up a nearby building to get a birds eye view of the perimeter. Blake's job was to see if she could get any information from a White Fang faction meeting. There were a few White Fang still outside just to keep look out. There was a dark skinned wolf fannus boy with white hair, a small fannus girl that appeared to be part tiger, they weren't to interesting but what instantly peeked my interest was the third lookout. Dressed in the White Fang uniform was a deer fannus with long brown hair that looked to be about 14 years old from a rough guess. She looked just like what I imagined Maple would look like now. It was probably an incredibly stupid idea but I jumped down into an alleyway and waited till she was by herself to make my presence known. I waited for her to turn around and notice me then I pulled down my hood "You're not supposed to be back here!" She commanded as she pulled out a revolver

"Maple LN?"

"How do you know my name?!" She yelled walking towards me as I was overjoyed to actually find her here

"I thought you would recognize me Maple" I said as her revolver turned to a long sword that she then pointed at my throat

"Never met you in my life" She said

My happy demeanour suddenly changed as I realized she actually didn't know who I was right now "Wait you really don't know who I am?" I asked

She pushed the blade up to my throat so that a little blood came out "I would remember" she said

"Please Maple I know it's been years but it's me it's YN" I pleaded

"Is that supposed to mean something to me?!" She asked

I was about ready to break down until I remembered something important. I slowly reached into my shirt and pulled out the silver locket and held it near her "Do you still have it?" I asked as tears were beginning to form at the bottoms of my eyes

She looked at the locket confused and reached into her uniform and pulled out the exact same silver locket "How do you have that?" She questioned lowering her sword a bit dropping her guard then bringing it to my neck again getting her guard back up.

"Open it"I said and she tilted her head then clicked the locket open

"Where are you in the picture?" I asked

"I'm on a boys shoulders. How do you know what the picture looks like?" She asked

I clicked my locket open to show her the same picture "Do you know that boys name?" I asked

She shook her head no

"I don't remember anything before I was 6" she said and I could feel my heart shatter "Why doesn't she remember me? Why doesn't she remember Scarlet? Why doesn't she remember us?" I thought in a panic

"Now answer me why do you have this picture!" She commanded

"That boy is me Maple... I've been looking for you for years" I said as the tears started to fall down my face

"Bullshit! They've been gone for years now tell me the truth!" She commanded slamming her elbow into my stomach making me drop to my knees

"I just did... please Maple, please remember me, try to remember me... Try and remember Scarlet" I said as I tried to stop crying

I looked to see tears coming out from under Maple's mask and she took it off revealing her now 13 year old face. Her yellow eyes complimented by her long brown hair and small amount of freckles adorning her face. She looked confused about why she was crying before wiping the tears away and putting her mask back on. "It's not true the White Fang told me they're gone and Matt didn't care enough to find me!"

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