Part 7: Confession

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(Confession time here's what I got. My fellow soldiers will tell you I'm a terrible shot.)
(Just a bit of Hamilton musical for ya)

I woke up from the best sleep I've ever had in my life I looked down to see Ruby resting her head on my chest still sleeping. "She looks so peaceful when she's sleeping... Yangs right I need to tell her how I feel, quick" I thought as Ruby started to wake up. She sat up and stretched letting out an adorable Yawn she then looked at me and her face became slightly red before she laid back down "Good morning Ruby"

"Good morning YN, How did you sleep?"

I blushed "Umm G-good"

Ruby sat up again and looked to where Blake sleeps to see the bed completely empty "ohh I thought she would have come back last night" Ruby said in a sad tone of voice

I reached up and ruffled her hair "Well that's what today is for, to find her" I smiled at her

"You're right YN" as she slid out of bed I was pretty disappointed when she did

Ruby's POV
That was the best wake up I've ever had sleeping in YN's arms was good enough but waking up and the first thing I see is him smiling at me it felt so nice. I didn't want to get out of bed but if I stayed YN might have gotten uncomfortable besides we have to find Blake.

Timeskip to the Streets of Vale looking for Blake
Everyone except for Weiss was shouting Blake to try and find her

"Weiss you're not helping"Ruby said annoyed

"You know who might be able to help, The Police" Weiss said

"Weiss" Ruby said in a angry tone of voice

"It was just an idea" Weiss said

"Yeah a bad one" Ruby responded before continuing the search

"Just try and keep and open mind Weiss remember not all White Fang are evil" I said

"Weiss I think we should hear her side of the story before we jump to any conclusions" Yang said

"I think once we hear her side of the story you will all realize I was right" Weiss said

"And I think Weiss' hair looks wonderful today" a fifth voice said

We all turned around to see Penny the weird girl from Yesterday

"Ahhh! Penny where did you come from?!" Ruby yelled

"Hey guys what are you up to?" She said not explaining how in the hell she snuck up on us let alone found us in the entire city of Vale

"We're looking for our friend Blake" I said

"Ooohhh you mean the fannus girl" Penny said

"Wait how did you know" Ruby asked

"Umm the cat ears" she said pointing to her head

"What cat ears she wears a Bow..." Yang said as it dawned on her

As dramatic tumble weed passed by

"She does like tuna a lot" Ruby quietly pointed out

"So where is she?" Penny asked

"We don't know she's been missing since last night" Ruby said

"That's terrible Don't worry Ruby my friend I won't rest until we find your teammate" Penny said running up to Ruby

I watched as Yang and Weiss quickly walked away "That's really nice of you Penny but we got this right guys" she looked to where Yang and Weiss were standing

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