Part 13: The Dance

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Both me and Ruby were sitting at one of the various tables that had already been set up in the ball room. We were both just sitting there kind of dejected and in silence. Weiss walked up to us and asked Ruby which table cloth we should use showing her two that were literally the exact same. Weiss walked off in a huff after Ruby pointed out that they were both the same then Yang walked near us and put down a giant speaker that she was just carrying like it was nothing. When she set it down it made a loud noise and the impact made Me, Ruby, the chairs we were sitting on and the table we were at all bounce up into the air for a second and we just sat there unfazed by it. Yang then walked up to us

"So you picked out a dress for the dance yet?" She asked Ruby winking at me

"What's the point? Who cares about the dance if Blake's not going?" Ruby said and Yang looked shocked

"Wait you're not going?! Come on YN back me up" she said

I sighed "Sorry Yang. Sure were a couple but neither me or Ruby are really the dancy type"

"You to?!" She said

"You're asking two socially awkward people to break out of their shell for a night while Blake still sulks about the White Fang" I said resting my head on the table again

"Well if Blake we're going would you to come to?" Yang asked

I looked at Ruby and she shrugged her shoulders "Sure, I guess?" I said

"Well don't worry you two she will be coming to the dance" Yang said confidently

Yang then turned her attention to Weiss "Weiss I thought we agreed no doilies!" She said

"If I can't have doilies then you can't have fog machines!" She said walking over to Yang

(AN:What the fuck are doilies?!)

Neptune and Sun then walked in "Your dance is gonna have fog machines?" Neptune asked

Weiss' opinions on the fog machine idea suddenly changed "We were thinking about it"

"That's pretty cool" he responded

"You ladies all excited for dress up" Sun said

"Pfft yeah right" Ruby said

"Laugh all you want I'll be turning heads tomorrow night" Yang said confidently

"What are you two wearing?" Weiss asked

"Ummm this" Sun said pointing to what little of a shirt he had

"Ignore him for he knows not what he says" Neptune said stepping in front of Sun

"Hey I may have moved to Mistral but I grew up in Vaguo it's not exactly a shirt and tie kind of place" Sun said stepping past Neptune

"Yeah, We noticed" I said

"Sooo what does Blake think of all this? She still being all you know Blake-y?" Sun said

"Obviously" Weiss said

"I still can't think of a way to change her mind" Ruby said resting her head on her hand

"My idea is still on the table" I say

"No your idea is stupid" Weiss retorted

"Look I don't see any of you coming up with better ideas. So either someone thinks of something better or we need to find a lot of tuna really freaking quickly" I responded

"We're not doing that YN besides we don't need to. Blake will be at the dance tomorrow" Yang said confidently again before walking off

Timeskip to walking in the courtyard with Ruby
Me and Ruby were just walking and talking in the courtyard while holding hands. We had eventually ended the conversation and were just walking in silence before I brought up a topic "So your sister seemed pretty confident that she could get Blake to come to the dance"

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