Part 23: Epilogue

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(AN: I really couldn't think of something to make this epilogue about which is why it took so long to get out. Also I was focusing on other fanfics at the time)

Timeskip 4 years after the RWBY show

I was sitting on a park bench watching me and Ruby's kids play in the park with each other. Me and Ruby got married shortly after defeating Salem and our first child followed soon after. The first time Ruby got pregnant she was actually pregnant with twins which we didn't know for 5 of the 9 months she was pregnant. Tai was pretty surprised and Qrow and Yang just laughed and Yang crushed me in a hug. She gave birth to two girls. We agreed that since we were having two girls we would name one Summer and the other Scarlet after her mother and my sister.

Summer was pretty much a miniature Ruby which was expected. Scarlet seemed to have Ruby's excitable nature along with my sarcasm. Neither of them were born with Silver eyes and given the rarity of that trait we assumed that would happen. 2 years later Ruby got pregnant again and I was just as happy as last time. The pregnancy for this child was a lot more intense for Ruby then last time which was constantly worrying for me. We got our reason for why it was so intense when she gave birth to a boy with HC hair and silver eyes.

I was sitting on the park bench cradling our son Robin while watching Summer and Scarlet play. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned to see Maple smiling at me "Hey YN How ya doin?" She said jumping over the bench to land beside me

"I've been good. How are you and Weiss?" I asked

"We're great. I think she's with Snow right now" she said looking in the direction she came from before turning back to me

She extended her hands and I handed Robin to her and she cradled him. "So how are the twins?" She asked


"Auntie Maple!" Summer yelled as her and Scarlet started running towards us

I smiled at Maple and took Robin as she knelt down to catch Summer and Scarlet. She hugged them and I smiled. Weiss walked up holding a white haired boy with blue eyes and deer antlers. "Uncle YN!" He said running up to me

"Hi how are you Snow?" I asked sitting down cross legged on the ground

"I'm good" he said hugging me

He separated from the hug "Have you been keeping my sister in line?" I asked gesturing my head to Maple

He nodded and I smiled and stood up "Hey Weiss. How've you been?" I asked

"I've been good thank you for asking" she said

"So has Jacques talked to you guys since you married Maple and took over the company?"

"No my father has been... words I'd rather not say in front of Snow"

Snow tugged on my pant leg "Mommy's going to kick his ass" he said with a wide smile

I chuckled and looked at Weiss who looked shocked she kneaded down to Snow "Who taught you swears!?" She asked

Snow pointed in the direction of Yang, Blake and Ruby. Ruby's hair was much longer than it used to be. Yang was holding a blonde boy with cat ears. "Yang Xiao Long did you teach my child to swear!?" Weiss yelled

Yang chuckled "I will neither confirm nor deny that I taught you son to say that you were going to kick your dad's ass" She said

Blake facepalmed "Please don't teach Ying to do that" she pleaded

"Don't worry Blakey"

Weiss facepalmed and Maple started soothing her. "Auntie Yang! Auntie Blake!" Scarlet and Summer said running towards them

Snow followed after them and I walked up to Ruby "Hey Rubies" I said kissing her

"Well the gangs all here" Yang said

We nodded

I was holding Summer on my lap as Ruby had Scarlet on hers and Yang was taking care of Robin for now. We were all sitting on a bullshead. Summer, Scarlet, Ying, and Snow we're constantly trying to get us to tell them where we were going. We were all keeping our mouths shut about where were going just to tease them a bit. The bullshead landed and we got up holding hands with our kids. The bullshead doors opened to reveal the newly reconstructed Beacon Academy. Oscar Ozpin invited us to the ceremony of opening the school since Teams RWBY, JN-R and Maple were instrumental in taking down Salem. The new Beacon academy wasn't built where the old one was. The Grimm Dragon was still stone after what Rubes did but still attracting Grimm. It's sort of ironic that Beacon essentially became a expansion of Mountain Glen. The kids eyes widened at the building and let out a collective "wow".

We all giggled at their reaction. We walked into the courtyard. The statue that was in the center of the courtyard was now replaced with a statue of a familiar beautiful silver eyed girl holding a scythe. Ruby blushed and hid her face in her hair "Why did he have to make a statue?" She mumbled

I giggled and kissed her cheek making her blush more "At least it's a cute statue" I teased

Yang wrapped her arm around Ruby"Come on Ruby think of it this way. You grew up reading about heroes in books. Now some people may look up to this statue like you looked up to your stories" Yang said

"No pressure" Ruby sighed

I held her hand and smiled at her and she shyly smiled back. We walked into the school. We got a few weird looks mostly because we had 4 young kids and a two year old with us. The lay out of Beacon was mostly similar to what it used to be. We eventually found the elevator and started riding up to Ozpin's office. I had to restrain Summer from pressing all of the buttons on the elevator and Weiss was quizzing Snow on how to be formal and polite even though Maple kept telling her he didn't need to be that formal for meeting with Ozpin again. The elevator doors opened and we walked in. We saw Jaune, Nora and Ren. Nora was also holding a black haired girl. Jaune had a bit of scruff to his face giving him a grizzled Qrow vibe. Nora was about the same just slightly more mellow. very slightly. Ren also looked mostly the same just he had a little scaring on his arms from fighting. We walked up to them. "Hey everyone" Jaune waved

"Hey you three"Ruby waved

Jaune, Nora, and Ren waved at the kids and they all waved eagerly back besides Snow who politely bowed making Weiss proud.

The chair turned around to reveal the tanned skin, black hair, and hazel eyes of Oscar in a brown suit reminiscent of what Ozpin's used to look like. "Good everyone is here. I think Ozpin wants to talk with you now" he said

He blinked and put his hands together. "Hello all. I hope you are all doing well"

We nodded

"Good. Well the ceremony should be starting soon. Mrs.Rose I hope you don't mind the statue in the courtyard" Ozpin said

She scratched the back of her head "It's a little embarrassing honestly" I held her other hand

"Well I only wished to use your victory as an Inspiration"

"Yeah it's fine" She said nervously

"Well we should proceed to where the speech is being held. We wouldn't want to be late would we?" He smiled

We all nodded and made our way to were the speech would be held.

Timeskip to After the Speech Because I'm Terrible at Speeches
The speech to the people of Vale had wrapped up. We weren't actually the only people who used to be a Beacon that came here. We saw Team CVFY here as well. We caught with what's happened over the years then eventually CVFY and JN-R left. We all walked back to the Bullshead and eventually made it back to me and Ruby's house. We talked as the kids played. I walked up behind Ruby as she cradled Robin and I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind. We smiled at each other then looked back to our kids playing with Ying and Snow. I kissed her cheek "I love you Ruby" I smiled

"I love you too YN" She smiled

(AN: I had no fucking idea how to actually make an ending sentence for this but here's the Epilogue. I hope you enjoyed the fan fiction as a whole. I had fun making it.)

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