Part 12: Research

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Maple's POV
I was sitting on my bed in the White Fang headquarters we had set up. I was staring at the picture in my locket "It couldn't have been him. The White Fang wouldn't lie to me." I thought. No matter how much I tried I couldn't stop thinking about this "He did bare a striking resemblance to the boy in the picture... YN I think he called himself. It sounds familiar... And Scarlet. Every time I say it I feel a weight on my heart and I feel ready to cry. Why?!"I thought. I kept replaying what he had said to me in my head. I told him that the White Fang would want to spare me the gruesome detail on their deaths but I know that the White Fang doesn't care about that stuff and usually wouldn't hesitate to tell people the details. The more I thought about this the more things started to not add up with the story and I decided to speak with the man that first picked me up. I walked up to his door and knocked on the door to his office "Come in" I heard him say from the other side of the door

I walked in "Hello Adam I wanted to talk to you about something"

"Alright, What is it Maple?"

"Well Umm it's about my family. I want to know how they died" I said

Adam shifted nervously and uncomfortably in his chair "Well we aren't quite sure we found your sister dead on the ground and we don't know how she died but your brother was killed by a horde of Grimm. I can only assume that your sister went out in a similar way"he said

"Ok, thank you for telling me Adam" I said walking out before he could question why I was asking

I left back to my room and sat on my bed what confused me was that they didn't hesitate to tell me how they died but they had never brought it up before even the one time I asked before. And they seemed to know how my brother died yet he was still alive and they didn't know how my sister died and she seems to be the one that is actually dead

I haven't slept in two days, I haven't really said much to any member of Team RWBY besides hellos and goodbyes. I was too busy trying to research why Maple wouldn't remember me or Scarlet. I had went to the nurses the day after we went to do this mission and she gave me a list of several things that it could be. I rubbed the tiredness from my eyes and crossed out "Amnesia" on the list. I groaned and started to research what was next on the list "memory trauma". I was sitting on Ruby's bed on my laptop doing my research when they walked in I looked and it was about time for bed so I slid off her bed and went to leave the room. Before the door closed before I could leave. I then walked over to one of the nearby desks and started to work without once taking my eyes of of my screen. "YN What's gotten into you lately?" Yang asked

I didn't respond I just continued my research. I then heard Ruby's soft voice "Please YN, I'm worried about you" as she wrapped her arms around my shoulders from behind

I turned around and gave her a kiss and a smile before returning to what I was doing. Weiss then closed the laptop "Lately you haven't said anything to anyone besides saying hi when we come in and bye when we leave"

I sighed and she picked up my laptop and opened it "Why are you researching Memory trauma? If it's for school we can help you, you don't need to stay up with no sleep for two days " she said

I sighed again "Is because of Maple Alright!" I said getting up out of my chair and facing the four girls

They were all silent before Ruby wrapped her arms around my waist "I know you want to find her but this isn't going to help you. And that doesn't explain how she relates to memory trauma" she said

I was silent for a while before speaking "I already found her"

"What?!" They all said

"That's great news!" Ruby said hugging me but she pulled away nervously when I didn't hug her back

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