Part 18: Qrow

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We made our way to the arena a little after Team JNPR. We saw them getting ready to fight Team BRNZ. The fight went about as good as we would have expected and it ended with Jaune calling a team meeting which Team BRNZ was annoyed with and so were most of the audience members then Nora hit them with her hammer and Team JNPR won. Next up was Team SSSN fighting Team NDGO. While Blake was telling me and Maple about the rest of the people we didn't know on Sun's Team we couldn't stop laughing at the fact that one of them was named Scarlet. We watched as they walked out and waved at everyone "Good luck Neptune!" Weiss yelled affectionately and Maple seemed a little saddened by this.

Neptune then winked and did finger guns at the four girls on Team NDGO and Weiss seemed furious. "Break his stupid face NDGO!" She yelled as Maple laughed and seemed happier than before

The match started and Neptune quickly ran onto the enemy side onto a mountain "What is he doing?" I asked Blake

She facepalmed "Neptune's afraid of water" she groaned

"That's some beautiful irony right there" I said laughing

The match ended with Sun and Neptune left on Team SSSN and Neptune inched towards the water and stuck his glaive into it shocking the water and the girls in the water making there aura deplete to red and Team SSSN take the victory. Sun And Neptune started dancing in the middle of the arena "auugghh that was so close" Ruby groaned

"Looks like the dorks made it to the next round" Yang joked

Sun made finger guns at Blake and she blushed a bit "emphasis on dork" She said

"Come on let's go and congratulate them" Yang said as we all got up

Timeskip to the air ship docks at Beacon
Weiss was incredibly eager and excited for some reason. She really wanted to go to the air ship docks to show the team something. Luckily or unluckily depending on how you look at it Me, Ruby and Maple were the only ones in the dorm at the time. We got pulled to the docks running behind her as Weiss didn't really explain why we were getting pulled "Weiss! What is the big deal? Who is it? Who is she?" Ruby exclaimed once Weiss finally stopped once we reached the docks

"Winter" was all she said

"Umm Weiss it's still fall we're like two months away from the first day of winter" I said confused

"No you dolt! My sister's name is Winter!" Weiss exclaimed

"Wow you family like white" I said which made Maple and Ruby giggle and Weiss roll her eyes

"Winter!" Weiss yelled to get her sisters attention

We all ran up to Winter as some Atlesian knights walked out of the air ship. "Oh Winter! I'm so happy to see you. Oh I mean your presence honours us" she said going from Ruby levels of excited to very formal

"Beacon. It's been a long time. The air feels different" Winter said

"I mean it is fall so it's probably colder" Ruby said rubbing the back of her head

Weiss punched Ruby in the shoulder and I made sure she didn't fall off balance. "So what are you doing here?" Weiss asked

"Classified" Winter stated

"Oh right. Well how long are you staying?" Weiss asked

"Classified" She said again

"Of course" Weiss said

We kinda stood there in an awkward silence I looked over and noticed Maple was very tense through all of this. "Soooo this is nice... I think" Ruby said as Weiss couldn't hold in her excitement anymore

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