Chapter 4: We've Talked About This!

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*8 months later*

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*8 months later*

                Dakota slides her window open, her hands shaking. She she jumps through her bedroom window, trying to stay quiet so Hank won't catch her. Ever since Drew's death, Hank has set strict rules against Dakota leaves the house on school nights. He has caught her on occasion and grounded her, which didn't last but a day or so. She had been out partying with her friend Melody until 2 o'clock that morning. They had been drinking and dancing with the older guys down at the karaoke bar, a new hobby of hers. Dakota has decided that after she graduates that year, she would become a stripper. One time, she accidentally told Hank and he told her that she was going to go get a good job and get as far away from Thorne Bush as she can. That he didn't her to end up like him, working in a mechanic shop when he had dreams of being a lawyer.
                 Dakota slides her window down, being as quiet as she can. She closes the blinds and strips down to her underwear, slipping under the covers. The party continues on in her dreams, dancing and drinking with the older guys at the bar while Hank thinks she's tucked away in bed.

                   The next morning, Dakota wakes up with a massive hangover. She climbs out of her bed and grabs a t-shirt. She walks out of her room, half nude. Hank sits at the table, listening to the news on the tv. When he sees her half nude appearance, he immediately sets his cup of coffee down and covers his eyes.
                     "Hey! What did I tell you about walking out here with underwear and a tank top, huh?" Hank's eyes divert down to the table, Dakota sits down in the chair next to him.
                      "If I did this at my old house, I'm going to do it here." Dakota says, "You're just going to have to get used to seeing my perfect ass every morning."
                      Hank looks up at her, seeing the bloodshot eyes.
                      "Well, at least I get dressed every morning." Hank stands and goes to the sink, turning on the faucet.
                       "Now you do." Dakota reminds him of the first 2 months that they've lived together.
                      "So, how was the party last night? How much did you drink?" He doesn't even turn around, which makes Dakota freeze. "A couple bottles? The whole pack?"
                     "I have no idea what you-" Hank whips around at her.
                     "Damn it, Dakota! We've talked about this!" He shouts at her, "You can't drink and I'm not going to allow you to drink. Ever."
                      "You and Drew were drinking at 15, Hank." Dakota fires back
                      "And look where it got Drew, Dakota! If something like that were to happen to you, I would never again find peace." Hank turns back around, "You're grounded. Go get ready for school."
                      "I don't feel like going." She says tiredly, feeling the bile in her throat.
                     "I wasn't asking." Hank says calmly
                    Dakota stands and stomps to her bedroom, slamming the door loudly. Only if Drew were here, he would know what to do. He always did.

 He always did

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