Chapter 7: Okay, Will That Be All?

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                     "She wants me so bad

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                     "She wants me so bad." Devin says dramatically, looking at Tiffany Jamieson. The schools most popular cheerleader.
                      Dakota rolls her eyes. "You've never talked to her. Not once."
                     Dakota rolls her eyes at her awkward best guy friend. Devin had tried to talk to a Courtney King that day and she told him she thought he was gay. It had bothered him the whole day, he even shouted that he wasn't homosexual at lunch to a group of girls who were making fun of the incident. Dakota and Melody thought he was taking it too far, too personal. The only girl Devin has even got close to kissing was his poster of Drew Berrymore he has hung up on his wall.
                      Mr. Lodge, the shop teacher at school, said he wanted the class to have a partnering project that involves metal of any kind. Dakota told Devin he could come over and work on their project together. They're sitting on her bed, dog chains coiled between them. They've been thinking about what to do with it for the past hour.
                       "We could make a lamp out of it." Devin suggest, "Maybe a picture frame?"
                       "Why can't we just go buy a crummy necklace and get a C- on it? Be better than doing the actual work." Dakota wraps the chains around her wrist, "What do hookers make an hour?"
                        "Thought you were going to be a stripper? Give me free lap dances for my birthday." Devin says cheekily.
                        The door to the small house slams, Hank is home.
                        "In your dreams, prev." She says with a smile, "If I were a hooker, I would charge 100 dollars by the hour. And that's with additional BDSM."
                        Devin chuckles at her and grabs the chains that are twisted around her wrist. She chuckles at him. Suddenly, Hank appears in the doorway. His eyes immediately go to the chains around her wrist and how the two teens are sitting close together. Something riles up in Hank's chest, his cheeks turning slightly red at the sight.
                        "Dakota, can I talk to you for a second?" Hank glares at Devin.
                        "Yeah, hold on. Gotta get out of these chains first." She grumbles, Hank goes outside.
                        Devin helps her out the chains. "I don't think he likes me."
                        "He's Hank." Dakota says simply, "He doesn't really like anyone but his own dick."
                        Devin smirks, nodding his head at her words. Dakota puts the chains aside, standing up. She walks through the house and out the door. Hank sits on the porch, waiting for her. She sits down next to him.
                          "Whatcha want, Hank?" Dakota says, tossing a hair to the side.
                          "I wanna talk about what happened last night." Dakota and Hank lock eyes, anxiety eats at Dakota.
                          Dakota looks down at the ground. "I thought we talked about it. You deserve better than that bit-"
                          "That's not what I meant and you know it." Hank says seriously.
                         She sighs, not meeting his eyes. "Yeah, I know what you meant Hank."
                         They sit there in silence as the October sun hits their faces.
                         "Well, I'm not going to say sorry." Dakota announces, "You were asking for it."
                          "I wasn't that drunk, Koda. I remember what happened." He says annoyed, "I didn't ask for anything."
                          "You were, just not with words." She says, "You know, you're not that bad of a kisser, Hank. You just need the right person."
                           "Yeah, well, what happened last night wasn't okay." Hank says seriously, "It never happened."
                          Dakota shrugs. "Okay, will that be all?"
                          Hank turns to her, his eyebrows narrowed in confusion.
                          "What do you want for dinner? It's Thursday." They never cooked on Thursday's and Friday's. They always ordered out.
                          Dakota sits there and thinks for a moment.
                          "KFC. Haven't had it in a while." She stands up, walking to the front door. "Devin's mom is coming to pick him up soon."
                          "And hey, no more boys in your room." Hank says before she can go back inside, "Keep it all at the dinner table."
                          Dakota smirks, closing the door. She bends down and wraps her arms around Hank's shoulders, kissing his cheek. He looks at her with a small smirk.
                           "Anything for you, daddy." She stands up and walks inside the house.
                           Hank smirks, watching the sun go down in the West.

*gif of Devin Mason*

*gif of Devin Mason*

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