Chapter 27: Look At Me

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                  Around late afternoon, Dakota was able to go home

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                  Around late afternoon, Dakota was able to go home. Hank brought her some clothes and she was able to take a shower to wash the blood off of her. Hank walked her to the truck and they climbed in. They sat in the truck for what felt like hours in silence. Finally, Hank broke the silence.
                   "I shouldn't have yelled at you like that." He says softly, "I was just mad at what happened, okay? I'm not mad at you."
                    Tears fall down Dakota's face, a sob escaping through her lips. Hank looks at her then, his eyes full of worry and concern. He had hurt her.
                    "Hank if you want to break things off, I understand." Dakota sniffs, pulling a loose strand of hair behind her ear, "I wouldn't want me either."
                      Hank gives her a look, his fingers interlacing with hers.
                      "Look at me. Dakota, look at me." Dakota looks at him with tears falling down her cheeks, "This—incident means it just wasn't meant to be. It's not your fault and it's not mine."
                        "How do you know?" Dakota says.
                       Hank continues. "I'm never going to quit loving you, Koda. Not over something like this, I'm not that asshole."
                         Dakota sniffs. "You're my asshole."
                        He smirks at her, driving out of the parking lot towards Preachers House.


                        Hank and Dakota stayed the night at Preacher's house

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                        Hank and Dakota stayed the night at Preacher's house. They all preyed over Dakota at dinner and before they all went to bed. Even Hank participated. Hank waited until Preacher and Katie was tucked away in bed before he snuck into the guest bedroom where Dakota was at. He knew she wouldn't sleep that night.
                         The next morning, Hank took Dakota home and they cleaned the house up. Something they haven't done in weeks. They threw out the beer bottles and the used condoms in the trash. Hank made Dakota rest while he tried to make a simple dinner. Raman Noodles and fried green beans. They both ate and watched Netflix. Dakota wanted to watch 13 Reasons Why but Hank told her no. So they watched the animated movie Cars instead. Hank worries about Dakota losing the baby and her triggers. Anything could trigger her binging or her suicidal thoughts. He fears to look away for a moment only to find Dakota lifeless body in the bathtub with water pouring into the floor.

                         By Monday morning, Hank told Dakota she had to go back to school. He would pick her up if she wanted him to, which she disagreed to. Dakota went to school while Hank went back to work. Mona stopped Hank before he was able to leave.
                          "Mona," Hank nods, scratching his nose.
                         "So, how was church?" Mona says hopefully, "Did the good lord touch your soul, or are you still not worth a damn?"
                           "It's nice to see you too, Mona." He smirks, "It was kinda rough, but we managed."
                            "Well, I just hope that child learned something." She nods her head.
                            "Oh, believe me." Hank climbs into the truck, "We both did."

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