Chapter 26: Dark Day

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                  Dakota's eyes flutter open as the pain becomes unbearable. She immediately reaches for Hank but he's gone. The young girl crawls out of bed, hitting the floor hard. She crawls to the bathroom, feeling something wet on Drew's old t-shirt. When she looks down, she sees the bottom of the shirt is soaked in blood. Dakota manages to reach the bathroom and crawls onto the mat trembling sharp stabbing pains hit her lower abdomen. Without control, Dakota lets out a loud scream. Tears fall down her cheeks as blood pours out of her.
                   Katie rushes into the bathroom, curious to why Dakota would be screaming. When she sees the blood, she knows what's going on. Immediately, Katie dials 911 and goes to Dakota's side. Preacher appears in doorway, his eyes going wide with the blood.
                 "Is this a period problem?" Preacher says confused.
                  "No, this is a pregnancy problem." Katie barks at him, "Hello? Yes 9-1-1, I have a 17 year old teenage girl who I think is having a miscarriage. There's blood everywhere and I have no idea what to do." Katie pauses, "Okay. Okay. Okay, thank you. We're located at 22 Dockson St. Preacher Allen's house."
                    Preacher stares down at Dakota. "I'll call Henry."
                   "No!" Dakota screams, sobbing afterwards. "Please don't, please! He'll be so angry."
                    "Sweetheart, Hank has a right to know." Preacher disappears into the house.
                    Katie stays with Dakota as she trembles. The word miscarriage echoes through Dakota's mind as she steps into darkness.

                      Hank steps out of the court house

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                      Hank steps out of the court house. He filed a charge against Johnny Costado and the police have been informed once Hank had filled out the issue paper. Pete had managed to snatch the surveillance footage of Johnny's attack and met up with Hank in a enclosed area to pass it on. Pete told Hank that Johnny, Frank, and Roger had disappeared. Johnny's family is gone too. It only makes Hank even more nervous. Johnny may have disappeared but Hank knows all too well that Johnny didn't go far.
                       Hank climbs into his truck, pulling on his sunglasses. His cell phone goes off in his back pocket. After seeing who it was, he answers.
                       "Preacher, what—" Preacher interrupts him on the other line, "Wait, slow down. What happened?"
                       Hank sits there listening to Preacher on the other line. His heart begins to pound as his father continues to explain what has happened. The 28 year old drops his phone in the floorboard of the truck, turning on the engine and speeding out of the Courthouse parking lot to Thorne Bush Hospital. Why is Dakota in the hospital? Hank had only been gone for two hours. Had Johnny broke into Preacher's house and hurt Dakota? Fear and rage pulses through Hank as he speeds to the hospital. Cars honk their horns as he speeds past them.
                       When Hank arrives at the hospital, he parks the truck sideways in two parking spaces and jumps out. He rushes to the door, pushing people that gets in his way. The 28 year old rushes inside, frantically looking around the room. He starts towards the front desk when Katie's voice interrupts him. Hank turns to see Katie and Preacher walking towards him.
                       "Where is she?" Hank demands, "Where's Dakota?"
                        "She's in recovery." Katie nods, "They wouldn't let us back there."
                         Hank rushes to the front desk, slamming his hands on the counter.
                         "Dakota Elaine Ryan. Where is she?" Hank says rushingly.
                         Something drops from the tip of Hank's nose. He wipes it away, feeling the wetness on his cheeks. That's when Hank realizes he's crying. The woman at the counter give him a worried look.
                           "Who're you?" The woman says, "Only family is allowed to—"
                          "I'm Dakota's legal guardian, Henry Allen."

                          Hank quickly follows the nurse to Dakota's recovery room. When they get there, the doctor is talking to Dakota. Her eyes are sunken in, pale, sick like.
                          "Dakota," Hank wipes the tears from his face.
                           Dakota turns and looks at him, shocked by the tears.
                          "Hank..." Dakota says weakly.
                          The doctor chimes in. "Are you a relative of Miss Ryan?"
                          "I'm her legal guardian, Hank." Hank shakes hands with the doctor, "What happened?"
                           Dakota cringes, tears falling down her cheeks.
                           "Let's talk outside, shall we? Miss Ryan needs her beauty rest. She's had a bad day so far." The doctor smiles down at Dakota, who is sullen.
                            Hank and the Doctor step out of the room.
                           "I'm afraid that Miss Ryan had a miscarriage early this morning." Hank freezes at the word miscarriage, his heart breaking. "I was able to collect the fetus—"
                            "—baby." Hank corrects him, his voice breaking.
                            "It wouldn't of made it past 11 weeks. It's already wasn't developing at the rate it should have been." The Doctor says sadly, "But I believe Miss Ryan will be alright, she can leave tonight if she feels up to it."
                             Shaking, Hank nods to the doctor who pats him on the back before walking away. Hank finds his way into Dakota's recovery room. He stares at her in disbelief. Feeling as if he had been stabbed in the back.
"Hank—" Dakota starts.
"Why the fuck didn't you tell me you were pregnant?" Hank nearly shouts, "Why keep it from me?"
"I didn't know I was." Dakota begins to cry, "I felt sick and I hurt down there but I thought maybe it was my period or something."
Hank sighs. "If you ever feel like that again, you make damn well sure to tell me kid. Your life isn't just involved, it's three."

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