Chapter 10: Mine Or Yours?

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          Dakota screams inside her bedroom

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          Dakota screams inside her bedroom. Hank rushes to the door, pushing on the door. Turning the knob on the door handle. It's locked. Shouts come from inside the teenage girls bedroom, the shouts belong to Johnny. Hank forcefully slams himself into the door, trying to break the door down. Roger and Frank watch in terror as Hank's rage unravels. He continuously tries to break the door down, screaming and grunting as he slams himself against the door.
           "Hank!" Dakota screams from the top of her lungs.
           Hank takes a step back from the door and kicks it as hard as he can. The door burst open, he rushes in to seek drunk Johnny on top of Dakota. He has her arm and legs pinned down, her panties tossed to the side. With a heated rush going throughout his body, Hank rushes over and punches Johnny hard in the face. He grabs Johnny by the collar and punches him again, pushing him out of Dakota's room. He drags the drunk man out of Dakota's bedroom and through the small house. Hank throws him out the door, letting him hit the concrete hard. Roger and Frank rush to Johnny's side, helping the drunk man up. Johnny smiles nastily at Hank.
             "She's purdy, Hank." Johnny grins, "I bet she's good."
             Hank rushes over and throws his fist into Johnny's nose. Johnny falls to the ground, holding his nose as blood gushes out.
              "Damn Hank! I think you broke my nose!" Johnny exclaims drunkenly, "It really hurts."
              Hank kicks Johnny in the groin and stomach. He leans down and jerks the man to his feet, holding his hair.
             "You little piece of shit, your lucky I don't cut your balls off." Hank spits in Johnny's face.
              Hank walks over to the truck Frank had drove there with Johnny, swinging the vehicle door open. He throws Johnny inside and slams the door. He walks over to Frank and Roger.
               "Get the hell off of my property before I use the second amendment." Hank says through gritted teeth, "Got a loaded 9mm that hasn't been fired in a while. Would really hate to waste my buckets on a couple of dick less bitches."
                Frank and Roger look at each other for a moment. They go to their vehicles and drive off. Hank snorts, his hands shaking from the rush of adrenaline he just felt. He walks back inside, locking the door behind him. He walks to Dakota's room, hearing her loud hyperventilating sounds. Hank walks in to see an empty room. Dakota's panties are still on the bed. He grabs them and looks around to find her sitting in a corner, rocking back and forth. Past traumatic experiences running through the young girl's mind. Hank walks over and bends down, holding out his hand. She has a scratch on her face, already bruised.
               "Dakota," Hank says softly "it's okay now. They're gone."
               Dakota breaks down into sobs, rocking back and forth as the memories come back. Drew used to be the only one who could calm her down. Hank lightly touches Dakota's leg, making her jump. She looks at him in fright, seeing how scared she is. Her lip quivers, Hank nods his head at her. Dakota wraps her arms around his neck, sobbing into his shoulder.
"H-Hank, he t-tried to ra—" he holds the back of her head close to his, kissing the top of her head.
"I know, honey. I know." He says in her ear, "I'm so sorry."
Hank hands the panties back to her, letting slip them back on. He picks her up bridal style and walks her to the kitchen. He sets her down on the kitchen counter. He grabs a wash cloth from the drawer, putting it under cold water. He folds the wet cloth and gently applies it to Dakota's scratch. She winces at the pain but let's him clean up the wound. Hank puts a small thing of ice in a ziplock bag, wrapping the wet cloth around it. He applies it to her cheek, seeing how it's already bruised. She'll feel it in the morning.
"I shouldn't of left them alone in the house. Especially while you were sleeping." Hank holds Dakota's face, cradling it. "Drew would be so pissed."
"He wasn't perfect, he would forgive you." Dakota says in a lower tone, "You're doing the best you can."
                 Hank pulls her to his chest. He kisses her forehead, rubbing circles on her back to calm her down. Dakota lifts her head up, their eyes connect. He wipes a tear from her cheek, cradling the side of her face as he applies the ziplock bag of ice to the other side. Dakota's hands slip up around Hank's neck, leaning into him. She looks down at his lips, sniffing. Hank knows what she wants, because he wants it too. She leans her forehead on him, closing her eyes.
"Can you stay with me tonight?" Dakota sniffs, "I can't sleep alone after that."
Deep down inside of him, Hank knows it's wrong. She's a minor and Drew's little sister. It's bad enough they kissed. That he wants her. He wraps his arms around her thin body, nodding his head.
"Yeah," Hank says softly "mine or yours?"
"Mine," Dakota sniffs, burying her face into his shirt.
Hank's hands grab her bottom and her leg, picking her up. Dakota wraps her legs around his waist, holding onto him. He carries her to her room, laying her down on the bed. He kicks his boots off, along with his white and plaid shirt as well. He puts on a pair of sweatpants and climbs into bed with Dakota. He lays with his back to her. Her bed is much more comfortable than his, softer and less worn out. Dakota turns over and leans over him, her arm slinking over him. He looks at her.
"Yeah?" He says tiredly.
Dakota leans down, her lips brushing up against his. His hands automatically go to her waist and face, pulling her on top of him so she's straddling him. He kisses her deeply as she slowly kisses him back, her hand holding his jawline. She begins to slowly grind on him, making him slightly moan. He freezes as the mixed emotions become too overbearing. Dakota pulls away, sitting up. She smiles down at him, he gulps as he fears and also hopes what she'll do next.
"Goodnight, Hank." Dakota crawls off of him and to the other side of the bed.
She pulls the covers to her shoulders, letting it just barely cover her the bare skin. The urges inside Hank tell him to go after her, make her finish what she started. But his brain tells him that she's only teasing him. Hank turns over on his side so he's facing the wall, away from Dakota. He sees picture of her and Drew, then she was younger. After Drew had took her in as his own. Hank closes his eyes, letting out a loud sigh. The 28-year-old man can't help but ask himself what he's letting himself get into.

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