Chapter 22: Hank's Past

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                    Katie, Hank's 11 months older sister, drove Dakota to the hospital

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                    Katie, Hank's 11 months older sister, drove Dakota to the hospital. They stayed silent for a long time, mainly because they were both in shock. Dakota is a spitting imagine of Drew, Katie's first love. She didn't even know Drew was dead. She had been in Africa with the peace corps for the past 4 years, she had just got back two weeks ago. Why hadn't Hank called her earlier? She would have flown in sooner to help Hank with Dakota. But, as usual, Hank didn't tell Katie or their father about Dakota or where they were staying. Typical Hank.
                      When they arrive at the hospital, Dakota is out of Preacher Allen's old truck and to the automatic sliding doors in seconds. Katie quickly tries to catch up to the younger girl, locking the truck back up. Dakota paces the floor, her hands in her hair. Katie walks to the front desk.
                      "Henry Allen the II. Came in with a flesh wound to the side 20 minutes ago?" Katie looks over at Dakota, whose sitting down now. "I've got his kid."
"And you are?" The Lady says annoyed, looking Katie up and down.
"Kathrine Allen, Henry's older sister." Katie gives the woman attitude, "He was freaking out when he called me. I would just let us back there to see him."
The lady rolls her eyes, sighing. "Go ahead, blonde princess."
Katie turns and motions for Dakota to follow her. Both girls go through the door and walk down to where Hank is at. When both girls arrive to the curtain area, Katie can see Pete Ferguson, her ex, standing outside the curtained area. With her hands balled into fist, she walks towards him. Pete sees Katie and nods to the person in the curtained room. As both Katie and Dakota get closer, they can see a shirtless Hank. His gnarly stitches on his side stick out of his pasty but toned skin.
                        "Hank!" Dakota exclaims, rushing over to wrap her arms around his neck. "Oh god, what happened?"
                         Hank looks to Pete and Katie for help. They both remain silent, Katie gives Hank an expecting look.
                         "Damn motorcycle." Hank lies, smiling up at Dakota.
                         Katie looks to Pete, who gives her a look that tells her that is not the case. Common sense tells you that motorcycle would have done much more damage than a gnarly cut to the side. Hank doesn't want to tell Dakota something and Katie wants to know why. She can sense a story behind his lies. Behind all of this.
                          "Are you going to be okay?" Dakota says worriedly, her arms still wrapped around Hank's neck.
                          Katie can't help but notice how Hank's hand rest just below Dakota's waist. And the way he looks at Dakota. Katie begins to piece together something in her mind. She thinks she knows.
                           "When will you be able to go home?" Katie rolls her eyes, the injury is not that serious.
                           Pete nods his head to Hank. "Gotta go, Hank. See ya Monday."
                           "See you Monday, Pete." looks to Katie, "They're releasing me today and Dakota, we're not staying at the house tonight."
                            Both girls give Hank a confused look. "Then where, Greasy Jim?"
                            Hank glares at his sister before looking to Dakota. "When we leave here, we're going home and going to pack up. I want you to be on your best behavior, Koda."
                             "Why?" Dakota says confused.
                             "Yeah, Hank. Why?" Katie says louder, annoyed as ever.
                             "I'm taking you to see a Preacher."

                            Hank stands at the mailbox as Katie and Dakota pack up a few things for the weekend at the Preacher's

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Hank stands at the mailbox as Katie and Dakota pack up a few things for the weekend at the Preacher's. Footsteps echo behind Hank.
"Lord I told you along time ago that if anything were to happen to that baby child, I would smother you in your sleep!" Mona exclaims as she walks up to Hank, "I'll skin your fine white ass if you're planning on towing that poor baby away with only three weeks to go."
Hank sighs. "I'm not towing her away, Mona. I'm finally taking your advice. I'm taking Dakota to church."
Mona puts her hands up, her eyes closed. "Lord we're saved! I never thought this joyous day would come!"
"I'm taking her to my father, Mona." Hank sorts through his mail, unaffected by Mona's dramatic outburst."He's a pastor on the other side of the tracks of Thorne Bush."
                               Mona looks him up and down. "Then how the hell did Preacher man go wrong with you?"
                               Hank looks up at the house, "I've never been too religious, Mona. I didn't want to pretend to be something I wasn't and Preacher couldn't understand."
                              "You know Hank, there is nothing sexier than a man whose a fine piece of ass and a religious man." Mona looks Hank up and down, "You're only half way there."
                             Mona walks away, stalking Hank's as she goes.
                             Hank smiles, waving her goodbye. "Goodbye, Mona."
                            "Bye, sexy ass." Mona giggles as she goes.

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