Chapter 6: Or Something

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                The door burst open

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The door burst open. Hank and a mysterious woman he met at the bar come tumbling in, their lips locked together. They bump against the kitchen table, both slightly chuckles as they make their way to the bed. She stops and sees the bed next to the tv and reclining chair. She gives him a smile and an arched brow.
"Long story," he grunts.
He grabs her blonde hair and pulls, his lips automatically sucking on her neck. They fall back on the bed, the bed squeaking. He sits up and unbuckles his belt, throwing it to the floor. She unzips her tight dress, revealing her red lacy underwear. He leans down and kisses just above her bra, his hands moving to her back.
Suddenly, the bedroom door opens to reveal a half nude Dakota. Her eyes go wide, her mouth twisted in a smirk. Hank closes his eyes and drops his head, the woman looks at him confused. The fun is over. Dakota crosses her arms.
"So, should I call you mommy? Or are you just another Auntie?" Hank glares at Dakota, whose loving each second of his embarrassment. "Or are you just another one of daddy's friends? He has a lot of them, you know."
"Hey, Dakota, this is—ughmm?" Hank stumbles on his words, standing up to button his pants.
"Jenny," The woman says angrily.
"Jenny." Hank repeats her.
"Well, everyone loves a cock block." Dakota walks into the kitchen and gets a glass of water, taking her time to drink it all.
"Can't you just finish that in your room?" Hank says as Jenny stands up and gets dressed.
"And pass up the opportunity to watch free porn? I wouldn't hear of it!" Dakota says with an evil smile, drinking the glass of water.
Jenny looks between Hank and Dakota. She squirms in disgust.
"Is this your daughter? Because you need to get a hold of her before I slap her ass on the way out." Dakota gets right up in Jenny's face, a killer look on her face.
"Bet I could take you down with just my bare hands, bitch." Then she stretches a smile, putting her hands on her hips. "Besides, I'm just his caretaker. Even if that means I take out the trash." Hank cracks a smirk at Dakota's comment, she turns to him. "Goodnight, Daddy."
Dakota walks to her room, a smirk on her tan face.
"Mmmhhmm." Hank hums to her as she walks back into her room, "Listen, Jenna—"
"It's Jenny, asshole." She snaps at him, "Is she your little fuck buddy or something?"
"Or something." He says with a smile, "But she's my problem and don't ever threaten her like that again."
"Whatever" Jenny storms out, slamming the door behind her.
Hank sits there and sighs, thinking about what to do with Dakota. What would Drew have done? He would have done something responsible, not laugh like he had. Hank stands up and opens Dakota's bedroom door, she lays on her stomach with her feet swinging up in the air. She was waiting on him.
"What did I tell you when I had company over?" Hank says.
"Company? All I saw was your latest whore, Hank." Dakota sits up, her socks are nearly falling off her feet. "She's not the one for you."
"Then who is, Dakota? I haven't got laid in a month! This is the sixth one you've run off." Hank says angrily, "When are you going to let me go free?"
"When you realize that you deserve a better woman than that slut you just had in there." Dakota says softly, "Hank, you deserve to wake up next to somebody whose going to treat you like a man, not a piece of meat."
Hank shakes his head. "Then where do I find her, Dakota? Huh? Cause it gets pretty damn exhausting waiting around for somebody whose never going to come around!"
Dakota stands up and walks over to Hank, whose eyes are fiery. She gently snakes her arms around his neck and lightly brushes her lips against his, her eyes closed. To Dakota, Hank taste like Jimmy's Bar nachos and cheap beer. The older man stands there in shock, not moving a muscle. She plays with the smaller hairs on the back of his neck, deepening the kiss. Hank hesitatingly puts his hands on her hips, keeping her steady. Dakota's arm moves from his chest and moves to his back, holding him as they kiss. They fall back onto his bed, her leg wrapping around his waist. Hank's hands move to her face, holding her as he deepens the kiss even more. Their hearts are racing, getting caught up in the moment.
Suddenly, Hank forces himself to pull away. He holds her so he won't be tempted to continue on with their kiss. Her dark eyes stare deep into his, they both want more. Hank keeps a strong hold of her and she keeps a firm hand on his chest. They both gasp for air. She smiles at him, her eyes big and sweet.
"You have the bluest eyes I've ever seen, Hank." She says with a sweet smile.
Hank can't fight the smile that automatically appears on his face. His rough hands brush a few strands of wavy hair out of her face. He goes in to kiss her again, failing to fight his urge.
"Gets someone who can kiss you like that, Hank." She pats his chest, making him stop. "If you ever need a remainder that you're a man, again—just holler at me."
She stands up and walks to her bedroom, closing the bedroom door behind her. Hank sits there alone, in shock at what had just happened.
Hank scoffs, shaking his head. "Fucking tease."

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