Chapter 15: Two Hearts Colliding

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                     "Can I get a cat?" Dakota says to Hank as he washes the dishes

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"Can I get a cat?" Dakota says to Hank as he washes the dishes.
Dakota has noticed that Hank has been distant with her all evening. She can't help but wonder what happened at work. With Johnny.
"No," He says simply.
"Can I get a tattoo? I have one picked out." She walks over to him, leaning against the counter. "You have tattoos and I just think-"
"No" He says annoyed.
"Can I get my hair cut? It's getting really lo-"
Hank whips around, anger in his face.
"Dakota, I've told you no three times now!" He shouts at her, "When I say no, I mean no!"
Dakota takes a step back from him, Hank throws the dish towel down on the counter. His head hangs low. Her mind races, thinking of something to say. Something to comfort him.
"Did you lose your job?" She says in a low voice, trying to be less annoying.
"No," He says calmly, anger hinting in his voice.
Dakota walks up to him, trying not to crowd him. He doesn't look at her, just straight forward out the sink window at Mona stealing some of the neighbor's tomatoes and peppers.
"You wanna talk about it?" She says softly, "Talk about your day?"
Hank straightens up, turning to Dakota. He looks calm and contained but Dakota can see in his blue eyes a war raging within him. Something bad happened today. She guesses it had something to do with Johnny.
"No," He says simply.
Hank grabs Dakota's face, his eyes searching hers. She puts her hands on his muscular chest, leaning into him.
She nods her head understandingly. "Okay, babe."
Hank presses his lips against hers gently, caressing her face. He taste like alcohol and cigarettes, her new favorite flavors. Dakota moves his hands to her hips, kissing him slowly. A familiar hunger rises in Dakota's stomach, as does Hank. He pulls away, looking deeply into her eyes.
"Jump" Dakota jumps up, wrapping her legs around Hank's waist.
Dakota's hands hold onto Hank's face as she kisses him more wildly, hungry. He walks to her bedroom, closing the door with his foot. He drops her on the bed, unbuckling his belt and pants. Dakota slips her panties off pulling her dress up for him. Hank grabs a condom from the drawer, slipping it on quickly. When Dakota starts to sit up, Hank gently pushes her down on her back with her legs hanging over the bed. His hands find themselves on her waist and positions himself. Dakota closes her eyes, sighing as she feels what she is starving for. She begins repeating Hank's name, whimpering at the throbbing feeling inside her.
Suddenly, a knock on the door makes them both jump. Fear pegs at Dakota's chest. What if Johnny is at the door, ready for his revenge? Hank pulls his pants up and starts out of the bedroom door, Dakota grabs his arm. He gives her an arched brow, questioning eyes. She lets go of him with a heavy heart.
Hank walks through the small house and to the door. He sees Mona, she's carrying something with her. He opens to door.
"Mona what-" Mona walks inside the house, ignoring Hank. "Well, come in."
Dakota peaks her head out to see whose there. When she sees Mona, relief calms her. Mona reaches inside her mini mart grocery bag and takes out 3 tomatoes and two peppers. Dakota looks at Hank with a smile, he shakes his head.
"So, Mona-" Hank crosses her arms, a smirk on his face "would Tommy Cross next door like you stealing from his garden?"
Mona looks up at him, giving him the evil stare. "Y'all mind yo' own business."
"Isn't this stealing, Mona?" Dakota says with a devilish smile, picking up a tomato. "Isn't tonight Church night? Or is that tomorrow?"
"Child, hush!" Mona rushes out the door, whipping around one last time "If Cross starts asking around, tell him a crazy old white lady gave it to you."
"But your black, Mona." Dakota says blankly.
"You better believe it, baby child." Then Mona's gone.
Hank shuts the door, walking back into the kitchen. He and Dakota stare at each other for a moment. She breaks down into laughter, holding her stomach. He can't help but smile happily at her as her laughter makes him warm inside.
"That woman needs Jesus." She says through giggles.
Hank walks over and kisses her passionately, holding onto Dakota tightly. He pushes her up against the wall, away from sight from the window and the door. She begins grinding on him, making him moan. She smiles at how a crease forms on his forehead, tracing it with her thumb. She looks deep into his eyes.
"Maybe I could take some lessons myself." She giggles, tilting her head back as he roughly kisses her jawline.
Hank walks her back into the bedroom, closing the door half way. Dakota slowly slips her dress off, loving how Hank watches her every move. He puts his hands on her hips, leaning into her. She starts to reach for the hem of his shirt but he stops her. He holds her face, staring deep into her dark eyes.
"Damn your so beautiful, it hurts." His Adam's Apple bobs up and down, looking at her with passionate eyes.
Dakota leans her head on his chest. She whispers her words softly so Hank can't hear them.
"Maybe on the outside, Hank." He kisses the top of her head, a tear for a in her eyes. "Its ugly inside."

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