Chapter 9: Yes, Mona?

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                  The small house is filled with cigarette smoke and laughter

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                  The small house is filled with cigarette smoke and laughter. The kitchen is dimly lit, empty boxes of pizza lie on the floor. Dakota had ate her three pieces of pizza before Hank's friends comes over. He hadn't hung out with them in 4 months, a month before he lost Drew.
                   "So, what's the deal with you taking in this girl? She got a life policy on her or something?" Johnny Winslow laughs, drunk.
                    "Yeah, man. I rarely ever see you down at Mike's anymore." Frank chuckles, "Remember in high school when we picked up strippers and took them behind the bar on Ditch Road?"
                     "And that one time when you were so drunk that you fucked a hooker in the wrong hole? Yeah I remember." Hank smirks, glancing at Dakota's bedroom door.
                      Hank checked up on her twice since his friends were here. At first, she was painting her toenails a dark red like color. But then the second time, she was getting ready for bed. At 8:30 on a Friday night. Hank could already feel her absence like a sixth sense. He decides to go check on her one last time, afraid of the answer he'll find. The guys all call after him, mouthing as he shrugs them off. He walks up to her door and knocks but when there was no answer, he opens the door. To his own surprise, Dakota lays on top of the bed fast asleep in her t-shirt, panties, and socks. She's cuddling a pillow. Hank smiles at the sight. He walks in and grabs a blanket from the side of the bed, covering her up. She shifts slightly, stretching before she falls back asleep. Hank walks out.
                       "Sorry, had to check up on the kid." Hank sits down in his seat, picking his cards back up. "She's had a hard life. Just want to look out for her like Drew would have wanted. She was his life."
                      "Isn't it hard to live with a teenager?" Roger says, "I couldn't handle it."
                      "It gets rough at times but she grows on you." Hank smirks, "And not in the most comfortable way, either."
"Since you got her, how many gal's have you—" Frank starts in, smiling slyly at his hints.
"A few times. Nothing too great, though." Hank says, "Just a couple of sluts looking for a good time."
"Those kind are always the best." Frank takes a drink of his beer.
Hank thinks of what Dakota had told him, right before she kissed him. And then he thinks about the kiss. How dirty and wrong it felt kissing Drew's little sister, but yet so right and perfect. He smirks at the thought of her being fast asleep, looking so perfect.
"Earth to Hank. I repeat, Earth to Hank." Roger says, holding his nose for the nasal effect.
"Sorry," he blushes "just got lost for a second."
"He's just thinking about them sluts that managed to get their hands on him." Frank chuckles, drinking his beer.
Hank sees Johnny look over at Dakota's bedroom door. He's done that a few times. A knock at the door makes the men go silent. Hank stand and goes to the door, seeing it was the nosy neighbor, Mona Brown. She is constantly coming over to check up on Dakota and if Hank is taking care of her properly. Hank cracks the door open, peaking his head outside.
"Yes, Mona?" Hank says annoyed.
"Don't you Yes Mona me, Hank." She snaps, "Are you having a party? You know, that child shouldn't be near any alcohol."
"Yes, I know Mona." Hank sighs, "She's not anywhere near that."
"Where is Miss Dakota at, then? Better not be in there smoking cigarettes." Mona says sassily.
"No, she's surprisingly in bed for once." He says proudly. "Guess I'm doing something right."
"Mmhhmm" Mona looks him up and down, "The cops are out tonight, thought maybe I should give you warning before they show up here and take that precious baby away."
"They're not going to take Dakota away from me." He stomps his foot on the concrete steps "She's safe, Mona."
"Child better be," Mona turns and walks back to her house a few doors down.
Hank walks back into the house. He walks back into the kitchen, seeing both Roger and Frank sitting there but no Johnny. Where is Johnny? Hank thinks to himself. Suddenly, a girlish scream comes from the bedroom. Dakota.

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