Chapter 16: Guessing Games and Spilling The Truth

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                    Dakota sits quietly at the lunch table with Melody

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                    Dakota sits quietly at the lunch table with Melody. She thinks about Hank and her plan on using him for a while longer. Four nights ago, after Hank feel asleep after watching That 70s Show, she cried herself to sleep. Using Hank isn't that easy, especially when she wakes up crying from a nightmare. The way he holds her after a nightmare. The tender, passionate kisses before things get heated or the play fighting that leads to peaceful naps. Even how safe Hank makes Dakota feel. How can a person keep using somebody when they give you unconditional love? She fears that he'll leave her like everyone else does.
                    "So, who is he?" Melody breaks through Dakota's train of thought.
                    Dakota looks at her confused. She can see Devin with his other geeky friends, he stares at Tiffany Jamieson with awe as she puts up posters for Prom.
                    "Who?" She says innocently.
                    "The guy you've been screwing." Melody says annoyed, tired of Dakota's nonchalant attitude. "You missed Alex Kobeck's party last weekend. You never miss a good party. Is it a guy from one of the bars?"
                    "No," Dakota says
                    "A guy from school?" Melody says hopefully
                    "Hell No." Dakota says seriously.
                    "A guy from your neighborhood?" Dakota blushes red, embarrassed. "So it is a guy from your neighborhood! Who is he? Is it your sexy neighbor Tommy Cross? Or is it that hot black guy-DeShawn, from down the street?
                    "None of them," Dakota says sheepishly, stands up.
                    She walks over to the trash can and throws her tray away, Melody quickly rushes after her. Dakota walks through the halls and up the stairs to the 2nd floor. Her Asian friend hurries after her, holding her skirt down as she walk-runs after Dakota.
                   "Dakota! Please tell me!" Melody pleas.
                   Dakota grabs her friends arm and shoves her into an empty classroom. She checks to see if anyone is hiding in the classroom and that no one spits coming her way. Melody looks at Dakota expectantly.
                    "Melody, you have to promise me you won't tell." Dakota says seriously, "we could both get into major trouble."
                    "Are you sleeping with a drug dealer?" Melody says blankly.
                   "No," Dakota says "with Hank."
                   Melody's eyes go wide. "Hank's a drug dealer?"
                   Dakota rolls her eyes, smacking herself in the face.
                   "No Melody. Hank is not a drug dealer." Dakota growls annoyed, "Hank's my boyfriend-I think?"
                   "I thought Hank was your guardian?" Melody says dumbly, squinting an eye.
                   Dakota checks the door again. "He is. But Mel, I'm in deep shit."
                   "So let me get this straight, D." She says confused, punching the bridge of her nose. "You call your-dead-brother's-best-friend-who-took-you-in, who I admit is smoking hot, daddy?"
                   "Melody, you're making me want to punch you in the face right now." Dakota says annoyed. "I'm about to swing at you."
                   "But you're having sex with him? Isn't he like 30?" She says confused.
                   "He's 28!" Dakota says in defense, "He turned 28 last month and in 2 months, I'll be 18."
                   "Oh, that makes the 10 year gap much smaller." Melody says sarcastically, rolling her eyes.
                   Dakota begins to cry, which surprises Melody.
                  "I feel horrible, Mel." She drops her head, "I was using him at first but, now I really want to be with him for real."
                  "Well, he is a fine hunk of ass." The Asian girl shrugs, blank faced.
                  Dakota lightly pushes Melody, making her slightly smile.
                 "How long have you two been-physical?" Melody says awkwardly.
                 "For three weeks, Mel. I was too scared to tell anybody." Dakota wipes her nose with her sleeve, "The more I use him, the more he makes me fall for him. I am a woman of sin."
                 "I would be too if I had a guy like him." Melody tries to comfort her friend.
                "I'm scared he'll leave me like every one else. Like mom and dad, like my old foster mom." She sniffs, "Like Drew."
                 Melody wraps her arms around Dakota, laying her head on her bicep.
               "Hank won't leave you, he's stayed with you this long. The man can obviously take a lot." Melody says humorously, "Are you using protection?"
               "Yes, of course!" Dakota says embarrassed, "He always makes sure we're safe."
              "Boo, too bad." Melody pouts, "It would be cool to be a godmother of little Hank Jr."
              Dakota playfully smacks her friends arm, making her squeal.
              "Henry Richard Allen the III." Dakota corrects her, "Or Victoria Ruth Allen."
              Melody shakes her head. "Your kids will have British names, I swear. I'm scared for Hank already."

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