Chapter 32: Isn't What Was Intended To Be

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                      Hank drives through the South part of town, the dog is between him and Dakota

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Hank drives through the South part of town, the dog is between him and Dakota. Ever since they hopped into the truck, Dakota has been petting and loving on the dog. Hank glances at how well she's taking to the dog.
"You know, you've given that mutt more affection than you have me in the past 3 months." Hank says annoyed, "What the hell are you gonna name this rover?"
"His name is not Rover, Hank." Dakota gives Hank a look, smiling. "He doesn't even look like a Rover."
Hank looks at the rear view mirror. "He looks like a Mutt to me."
Dakota him a dirty look. "How about Diggs? He was trying to dig in the kennel."
"Diggs? How about Ticks?" Hank laughs at his own joke, looking over to see both Dakota and the dog staring at him. "Well, I like it."
As they turn on their road, Hank can see a truck with a couch in the back pulled into the yard. Katie, Pete Ferguson, and Preacher all stand outside. Hank Parks the truck in the gravel driveway. Hank is the first to get out, too quick for the dog to get out of his side. Dakota kisses the dogs ear before opening her door, hopping out with the dog following after. Hank bought the dog a red collar and a matching leash. Dakota walks the dog over to Katie and the Preacher.
Katie grins as the dog jumps up and licks her on the face. She giggles as she holds the dog up, having to let it go back down on all fours. Preacher scratches the dogs ears, smiling down at the new pet.
"When did you get this big guy?" Preacher says to Dakota, looking at Hank knowingly.
"Just now. I knew he was the one when I seen him." Dakota grins.
Katie squads down, scratching the dog behind the ears.
"He's a sweetheart. What's his name?" Katie giggles as the dog licks her arm. "Rover?"
Dakota gives Hank a quick look of annoyance before turning back to Katie. "We haven't decided on a name yet. I kind of want to name him Diggs 'cause he was begging on the floor when we saw him."
Hank walks over beside Pete's truck, Pete and Preacher follow him. Hank nods to the dark green couch in the back of the truck.
"What's with the couch? 'You kicked Kate out?" Hank says with a smug expression. "Or are you here to look at my beautiful house?"
Pete smirks at Hank's sarcasm. "Katie found this couch and told me to load it up and take it to your house. 'Said you ain't got one."
Pete sees Katie motioning for him to come on over to where she was at with Dakota and the dog. He obeys and goes over.
Hank shrugs. "She's not wrong."
"You know, for the past 7 years I asked myself what I had done to drive you away. Blamed myself. Told myself God had a plan for you, but you can imagine my surprise when I asked Kathrine why you were needing a couch." Preacher says in a lower voice, making Hank roll his eyes in annoyance. "You lied to me, Henry. You're having relations with an underaged—"
"Tuesday is her 18th birthday, Preacher." Hank interrupts him, his eyebrows furrowed. "And don't get started on that shit a about what we're doing is a sin and illegal. It maybe illegal but it's not wrong. I do love her."
"How long have you two been living this way?" Preacher says sullenly.
Hank doesn't answer right away, staring at the tires. "Not enough for you to lecture me. Besides, better me than some weak minded idiot whose too lazy to get up and buy his own cigarettes."
Preacher gives Hank a look. "Is that how you really see it?"
Hank looks him dead in the eyes. "That's exactly how I see it."
                            "There's no changing your mind?" Preacher says hopefully.
                            "I took a vow to take care of Dakota after Drew died. I didn't expect for this to happen—I didn't want this to happen." Hank clarifies, "But it did and I wouldn't go back and change what happen. I'd be glad, Preacher. She's not just other another one night stand I used to bring home every other Thursday or Friday."
                             Preacher sighs, knowing he cannot fight with his son. It's pointless. Just like fighting with his wife, it was pointless because it was her way or the highway. Dorothy, Preacher's wife, must have passed it onto Hank. The Preacher is grateful that Katie isn't that way, it's easier for him to get along with her than Hank.
                              "Son," Hank freezes, it's the first time he's ever called him son before. "I cannot Judge you, I know you really do care about this girl. But God is the judge and the jury. And what God sees isn't what was intended to be."


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