Chapter 29: I Love You, Hank

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            For Dakota's two day suspension from Thorne Bush South High, Hank let Dakota go over to Katie's and they volunteered at a homeless shelter

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            For Dakota's two day suspension from Thorne Bush South High, Hank let Dakota go over to Katie's and they volunteered at a homeless shelter. He wasn't going to punish her for defending her friend and then had to use self defense when the bully took a swing at her. In Hank's mind, what should have Dakota done? Just stand there and let Wiley Jenkins hit her?
               When Dakota went back to school, she felt as if she had a target on her back. Devin and Melody told her not to worry about Wiley's friends. She has her 18th birthday that following Monday. Dakota and Hank will be able to have an open relationship, unlike the last few months where she was a minor. The thought excites Dakota, but it also scares her. She'll be an adult and being a duly comes with adult responsibilities. She can't live off Hank for the rest of her life, Hank can barely live off himself. But money isn't the total issue either. Its the following Thursday after Dakota turns 18 that she dreads.
              All Drew's hard work in trying to make Dakota's life better had partially succeeded. Drew did, of course,  had preordered Dakota's cap and gown, along with all the their things to offer for seniors. Drew really wanted Dakota to have everything he didn't. But Drew unexpectedly didn't succeed in one area of his plan. He's never going to see her graduate. Or take embarrassing pictures of her when she gets her first job. Or walk her down the isle. Deep down, Dakota knew when Drew died that it was all going to be different. But now the real thing she accomplished and her big brother won't be there.
               Dakota wants to tell Hank how she feels, or at least Preacher. Dakota has made a bond with Katie and Preacher, one that gives you a warm feeling in your stomach and reassurance that you'll be okay if you don't succeed. But even with the familiarity and warm feelings, Dakota fears what Hank will think. Would he get paranoid and think she's going to try and hurt herself again? Or will Preacher give her a lecture about how her thoughts are just the Devil's way of polluting her mind with negative thoughts? Dakota knows she should tell, but who? Katie would just tell Preacher and then he would tell Hank. For the next 2 days, Dakota thinks about what she should do. By Friday afternoon, she decides that she should tell Hank. She should trust him. He's been there for her and he cares more about her than anyone else she knows that's alive.

              After Dakota and Hank arrive back at the house from Mike's Grill and Bar, Hank has a strange feeling in his stomach

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              After Dakota and Hank arrive back at the house from Mike's Grill and Bar, Hank has a strange feeling in his stomach. And it's not the nachos he ate either. He wonders if it's the fact he brought Dakota to the place he had picked up other girls for so many years. They had to act as if they weren't together, only a girl and her legal guardian, but it still meant that it was their first date. First date. Maybe that's why Hank has a knot in the pit of his stomach, making him anxious. Or maybe it's the fact he didn't drink more than one beer. Or the fact that Dakota didn't say much the entire evening, maybe because she knew that was the place where he would sneak off to for those 8 months.
              Once their in the house, Hank puts his hands on Dakota's hips and begins kissing her light yet slowly. Dakota stops him, making him worry. Usually, it's Dakota that comes onto him. Hank wonders, is it because she miscarried his baby? Dakota look up into Hank's eyes, their unreadable.
               "Hank, I have to ask you something." Dakota says in an unusual, worried tone.
                This worries Hank more. "Sure, baby."
               The duo go sit down at the dinning room table. Dakota stays quiet for a long time, staring outside the kitchen sink window. Probably at Mona stealing Tommy Cross's vegetables, her usual Friday night scandal.
                "Hank, what I'm about to say isn't giving me urges or triggering anything. Okay?" Hank gives her a very intense, concerned look. "But I just realized Drew won't be at my graduation."
                Hank blinks. "You're realizing this now?"
                "Emotionally, I am." Dakota nods, "Drew worked so hard for me to get here and now he won't be able to live it with me. I don't feel ready to grow up without him, Hank. I'm scared."
                  "Koda baby, you were going to grow up eventually. With or without Drew being there to walk with you step by step." Hank takes her hand, squeezing it lightly. "You're afraid that if you grow up, you'll outgrow Drew. But you won't. He'll always be with you, Koda. You just have remember him."
                   "So, you're not going throw me into a mental hospital?" Dakota smiles.
                   Hank gives her a look. "Why would I throw you in a mental hospital? Dakota, you're not mental. Okay? Don't let anyone ever convince you that you are."
                       "I won't, babe."
                       Hank rubs her shoulder. "Are you okay though?"
                      Dakota nods, staring deep into his eyes. "I love you, Hank."
                      Hank stares at Dakota in awe and shock. It's the most affectionate thing Dakota has ever said to him. Besides telling him he has the bluest eyes, but that's just the teenage girl hormones talking.
                      "Oh shit," Hank whispers, still in shock. "I love you too."
                      Dakota leans in and kisses him deeply. Hank quickly scoops her up in his arms, she wraps her legs around his waist, and carries her to the bedroom. He nearly trips over his bed in the living room. When Hank gets too lost in thought about the bed, Dakota turns his head and begins kissing him. He shoves her down on the bed and strips form his Hawaiian button up shirt. Dakota bites her lip as she scans his muscular chest, his tattoos placed in just the right spot. She stripes down quickly, loving how Hank watches her as she does it slower than he'd prefer.
                       "Are you ready?" Dakota gives him puppy eyes.
                       Hank gives her a look, mocking her. "Dakota, I just wanna have my way with you. I'm not into the 'I just want to feel pretty' shit."
Dakota giggles, biting her lip, as Hank crawls on top of her. They crawl under neath the covers and begin kissing. Which leads to much more pleasurable things they had imagined.

After Hank and Dakota finished off their usual Friday night ritual, Hank decided that he didn't quite like how easy the window was to open. Anybody could get in and hurt Dakota if he weren't around. Dakota used to sneak out of the window late in the night when she thought Hank wouldn't notice. He gets dressed in his dirty white t-shirt and jeans before going outside to fix the window. When Hank realized he had nothing to patch the window, he decided to quickly run to Mona's. Mona has stolen lots of nails and boards from several neighbors in the neighborhood. Hank peaks his head at Dakota once more before heading over to the the hilarious black lady's shed.

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