Chapter 36: Eventually

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(Just Kidding, that wasn't the end! 😁)

           Dakota walks up to Hank's truck, opening the door and hopping in

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           Dakota walks up to Hank's truck, opening the door and hopping in. He turns on the engine.
            "How was school?"
            "Oh, you know." Dakota shrugs, "It's school."
Hank drives out of the parking lot of the school, towards the Northside of town. Dakota gives Hank a questionable look.
"Where are you taking me?" She says curiously.
"Wait and you'll find out."
Dakota rolls her eyes at Hank, hating the mystery.

               Hank drives all the way to a park that is just behind Thorne Bush Northside High

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Hank drives all the way to a park that is just behind Thorne Bush Northside High. When Dakota sees where Hank has taken them, she starts to question why she had gotten into the truck with him. Hank gets out and motions for her to follow him. Dakota, for the first time ever, obeys. She gets out and follows the 28-year-old man to a park bench. He sits down in the seat while she sits on the table with her feet on the seat. She crosses her arms and waits for an explanation. Hank stares at the high school, lost in thought. Eventually, Dakota can't take it no more.
"Okay Hank. I've waited! Now tell me why were are here." Dakota says annoyed.
"We're here, Dakota Elaine Ryan, because I have business to discuss with you." Hank looks at her then, smiling. "See that high school right there?"
"Are you gonna make me switch schools again this late in the school year?" Dakota says confused, "That's not very good news, Hank."
Hank gives her an annoyed look. "Sweetheart, I have a point. Let me make it."
Dakota groans and nods. "Go ahead, Greasy Jim."
He smirks, nodding his head. He looks back at the high school.
"Until 11 months ago, I didn't really have any plans for my life. Just go to work and live day by day. And then here came along this troublemaker." Hank looks up at her, "I've been thinking about going back to Law School and becoming a lawyer."
Dakota smiles, thinking to herself. "I can see myself being a Lawyer's wife."
"I've lived in Thorne Bush all my life, Koda. I can't imagine living anywhere else." Hank sighs, "I want to give you a better life than what we got. I want you to be safe at night instead of having a pathetic excuse for a guard dog. I want us to have a nice house, give you nice things, and give you a life you deserve."
"What brought this up?" Dakota says confused.
"I've made so many mistakes with you, Drew would beat the crap out of me. Maybe even kill me, and I would let him." Hank scratches the back of his neck, "Drew used to talk about giving you everything you deserved. I never understood why he wanted you to have such an amazing life." Dakota looks at Hank with sad eyes, "But once you stepped in through my door Dakota, I slowly began to understand why Drew made such a mess. You're messy. You're mouthy. Sometimes you can be so damn annoying, but you can make a man feel at home." Hank looks back up at her, a small smile in his face.
Dakota shakes her head. "Okay, so what's your point?"
Hank gives her a confused look. "What?"
Dakota sits down next to him, scooting close to him.
"Are you proposing to me, or something? Cause I ain't hearing the words come out of your mouth." She says sassily, "Are going to propose to me?"
Hank shrugs. "Eventually."
Dakota lays her head on Hank's shoulder. "Kay. I kind of like it here in Thorne Bush, though. I wouldn't mind having a kid and raising him here."
"After I get my Law Degree, we can do anything your heart desires sweetheart." Hank kisses her forehead, "They're gonna go to that high school and live on the Northside."
Dakota looks up at Hank. "Hank, are we moving?"
He smiles down at her. "Soon, just not today."
"Hank?" She says annoyingly.
Hank groans. "Yes?"
"I'm not naming my kid Preacher." Hank burst out laughing.

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