Chapter 31: The Feeling

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                           The next day, Dakota had managed to convince Hank to get her a dog

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               The next day, Dakota had managed to convince Hank to get her a dog. She said it could be for her birthday and how she would take care of it. When she had to use the its her first dog ever card, Hank told her that Drew was smart enough not to let Dakota convince him into getting something they don't really need.
                          "Come on, Hank!" Dakota exclaims as she drags Hank into the Thorne Bush Animal Shelter.
             Hank regrets ever asking Jim what he should do for protection. He meant something he could buy in a store that cost a ridiculous amount of money, not a dog who he has to constantly take care of. They walk up to the front desk, where a woman with big glasses sits. She looks up at them, a smile stretching across her face.
              "Hello, may I help you?" The woman says.
             Dakota slams her hands down on the counter with a huge smile on her face.
             "I want the one that's been here the longest!" She jumps up and down excitedly.
             Hank pushes her aside, rolling his eyes. "We're not looking for an old timer, Dakota. We came here for a guard dog. I'm not buying the entire shelter."
              "We have excellent guard dogs. We ever have some that are already house trained. I'll take you back there." The woman unlocks the little gate so Dakota and Hank can go on back, "I'm Tracy, by the way."
               Dakota notices how Tracy eyes Hank. Boiling hot jealousy burns in Dakota's chest. She wants to pull those glasses off the woman's small face and pop her in her pointy, rat like nose. Hank, however, doesn't notice Tracy eyeing him. All he can think about is the other mouth he's going to have to feed. Just the thought of a stepping in dog slobber and it's poop is enough to make Hank regret letting Dakota convince him to get a dog. He mentally curses Jim for even mentioning the idea while Dakota was near.
             They walk through a few rooms, dogs barking in another rooms. When they get to the chain-linked part of the shelter, the dogs begin barking in excitement. Dakota rushes to a random one and waves at them, Hank stares off into space as he mentally cusses himself out. Dakota walks from cage to cage, waving at all the dogs that jump around in excitement for her.
             Hank sees a mean looking dog glaring at him from across the room, Dakota walks near its cage. His heart quickly beginning to pound, Hank rushes over and grabs Dakota right as the dog tries to bite her through the chain-linked fence.
              He crosses his arms and sighs. "Just pick one and lets go."
             Dakota gives him a look. "You can't just pick, Hank. You gotta feel which one is the—one."
               Hank gives her a sassy look, putting his hands on his hips.
              "Well, I feel like this is such a waste Dakota." Hank argues, "Pick one, or I will."
               Dakota glares at Hank, walking past him. "Okay, okay! Jeez, lighten up will you? This is my birthday present."
                Hank sighs and follows her as she walks around the kennel. He turns to Tracy, who watches him with glossy eyes. Dakota rolls her eyes at her, he clears his throat.
                 "Which breed is the best fit for a guard dog? All I see are hyper mutts." Hank says annoyed. "What's the dog at the station?"
                  "Lulu? The German Shepherd?" Dakota answers, bending down for a pug that wiggles for her.
                   "Yeah," Hank points to Dakota, his hand slapping his thigh "that."
                   "Oh, yeah. We have two left from Adoption day." Tracy walks around the corner, both Hank and Dakota follow her. "Are you looking for a girl or a boy?"
                    "Boy. We don't need pups." Hank says annoyed, his usual tone of voice.
                   They walk upon the emptier part of the kennel. Tracy goes to a cage where a barking German Shepard is, but a dog on the opposite side catches Dakota's eye. She stops in front of the cage, watching as the German Shepard attempts to dig a hole in the solid concrete floor. Right then, Dakota knew he was the one.
                    "Him." She turns to Tracy and Hank, who are focused on the other German Shepard.
                    Dakota looks back around to see the dog staring at her with his head to the side. The 17 year old's heart melts as the dog begins to wag his tail. Hank walks over and looks into the chain link fence at the dog. The male dog looks down at his shadow and pounces, as if the shadow were real. Then he goes back to digging in the solid floor. Hank looks at Dakota questionably.
                      "Are you sure, Koda? He seems to be a little off." Hank looks at the dog unsure. "He doesn't look very—aggressive?"
                     "Well, too bad because he is it Hank." Dakota says with a bright smile.
                      Hank looks back at Tracy, who is standing at a distance.
                      "How much for this one?" Hank mentally wonders why Dakota would pick such a stupid dog.
                       "He's 25 dollars." Tracy nods her head, "At should sure you wouldn't want to look at this one, dear?"
                        "Nope, he was meant to be mine." Dakota says with a smile, watching the dog bite at his shadow again. "I can tell."
                          "How old is he?" Hank crosses his arms.
                         "Two years old." Tracy walks up, "They live up to 9 to 13 years."
                         Dakota gives Hank her big brown eyes, begging him with her lower lip pooched out. Not being bale to resist the big brown eye or the pooched lip, Hank nods his head. He stomps his boot and sighs.
                           "I guess we'll take' em." Hank says with a small smile, loving how Dakota's smile gets big and bright. "You're gonna take care of it, you hear me Dakota? It's not my dog."
                            Dakota wraps her arms around Hank's torso, burying her head into his chest. He lightly rubs her back as Tracy gets the dog out and walks it to the front of the Animal Shelter.


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