Chapter 25: You Took It Personal

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           Hank goes into the living room where Preacher sits on the couch

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Hank goes into the living room where Preacher sits on the couch. The man hasn't said another word to him the entire night. The 28 year old man can only imagine why. They've never seen eye to eye, but they're still family. And Hank's in trouble. He sits down in the recliner, still far enough away.
"I think it's time I explain why I'm here." Hank sighs, not looking at Preacher.
Preacher nods, not looking at his son. "Really? And I thought you wanted to talk about the game on tv—"
"Jesus, Preacher!" Hank stands up, regretting his language. "I've come here to confess a few of my sins."
Preacher smiles up at his son. "Well Henry, we can go to church Sunday and talk—"
"This is church enough, Preacher. And I don't have the that kind of time." Hank sighs, sitting back down in the recliner.
Preacher gives his son a worried expression. "Are you hiding from the Law? Is that why you're here?"
"No, but mistakes were made." Hank rubs his knuckles nervously, "I'll explain the rest of the terrible things I've done later, but I have a target on my chest right now."
"What happened?"
"Well...let's just say, mistakes were made. It all started a 3 months ago when I invited 3 of my friends over." Hank shivers as he relives that night. "You remember little Johnny Costado?"
                     "Of course, he was in our church choir growing up." Preacher recalls.
                    "Well—" Hank's hands begin to tremble "I had stepped out for a minute—just a couple seconds, and he was in Dakota's room with the door locked."
                      Preacher leans back in his seat on the couch, his face blank.
                     "I broke down the door and threw that bastard out of my house. And that was only the beginning." Hank begins to cry, feeling helpless and weak. "Johnny attacked me this afternoon. He threatened not only me, but Dakota too."
"You took it personal." Preacher says
Hank gives him a look. "With Dakota, everything is personal."
"I seen the way you looked at her tonight." The older man says, "I don't know the story or even what you plan to do about it, but I can assure you, you are deep in something you shouldn't."
"If you mean with Johnny, then yeah. I'm in deep shit." Hank defends himself, "But Dakota? We lost our best friend the night Drew died. She had nobody else and I vowed to be the one who makes sure she gets what Drew would have wanted."
"She's a sweet girl, Henry. And pretty too, I'll give you that." Preacher nod his head, "But isn't she a little young? She's 17 and you're—"
"I'm not in that kind of trouble, Preacher." Lie, "I'm Dakota's legal guardian. What you saw was compassion. I have compassion to help Dakota make better of herself. That's all."
"So," Preacher turns the subject "what are you going to do about Johnny? He seems like a very dangerous man right now."
"Tomorrow I'm going to file a charge against Johnny. I have physical proof," Hank lifts his shirt to reveal his bandage "and I have a friend whose getting more physical evidence. I'm need you to watch over Dakota while I file my complaint. I can't let her know quite yet."
Preacher nods. "I can babysit her."
"It's not babysitting, Preacher. Dakota may be a baby but she doesn't need to be babysat." Hank says annoyed, "Johnny'll try to hurt Dakota to hurt me. I can't afford that tormented at this point. I'll go off the deep end and kill him."

Dakota tie toes out of the guest bedroom to Hank's. The pain in her lower abdomen is getting sharper and she worries if she should tell Hank. She hopes just being with him will help with the pain. She slips into his room to find him wide awake.
"Dakota?" Hank says confused.
Dakota walks over and lays down beside him, curling into him. Hank wraps his muscular arm around her, kissing the top of her head.
"Only if we were at home." Dakota whispers.
Hank kisses her before burying his face into her neck.
"Goodnight, Koda." Hank gently rubs her back.
"Goodnight, Hank."

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